Thursday, May 24, 2007

Last Night....

So last night was the first night I had dinner with my parents since about a month give or take a day after they left for the Philippines. it is great to have them home. I find that I have to do less work than when they were not at home. That is sad but what can I do? after i get home from work, the fish/dog have already been fed, and the trash has been taken out. So any ways, after dinner they went to the hospital to visit their friend. I went out to pick up a few supplies. The main supply that I picked up was a Moleskine notebook. Basically it is a small black notebook into which i can write down lists of projects, needs / wants, or anything that I deem appropriate. This time I am going to write down a lot of things and hopefully get a lot of items accomplished. I need to do this for me. This way I can be a more well rounded responsible person.
Today is Friday and the boss it out of the office. I am just sitting around checking my forums and blogs. Not a lot is going on. Just waiting for those small fires come pop up so that I can eliminate them. So we shall see what happens today. Yesterday I created a new background for my PC. I like it. OK well i think that is it for now.

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