Let me introduce you to Paul the Possum.
From the Desk of Ryan Uy
Cell: 818.431.1078
Twitter Me: Gadgetryan
Monday, July 6, 2009
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Friday, June 5, 2009
Happy Friday...
I am about to complete my first hour of work!! WOHOO. This shouldn't really matter but at 5am time seems to slooooow wayyyy down!! That is right, today I started work at 5am..which is actually 8am back east, so I guess I am on time. Any way, why am I here soo damn early? Well I have to make up my hours for today if I want to get paid the big bucks. Last Friday, I had a doc appointment at 3pm, so that day I also came in early. I left around 2pm and go to the doc's office 15mins early. As I went to go sign in, the lady at the front desk told me that my doc left early today. "Did you not get our vm message?" "No" I said. "Oh well we called 818....(my house phone) and is the 310...still a valid number?" Ummmm, no that number hasn't been used for about 5 years, my old work number. Good job guys!! So I had to reschedule for this Friday at 3pm. Hence my 5am start time. I can not afford to not get paid for each hour that I am here. I wouldn't worry as much, except for the fact that the Hawaii trip is a few months away and I do not have enough saved for the two of us. I figured I need to save a certain amount from each paycheck to hit the total amount of money that we need. But considering we have the hotel booked and waiting for the airplane tickets to go down we should be good to go. I am just scared about the "free" money that we need for food and activities. Maybe we can just chill on the beach and take in the sites....but I have a feeling we will be going around the island for most of our free time. Speaking of Hawaii, I have to start writing my speech for my toast. I am not really sure what to say. I want to go for the tear effect, meaning that I want my speech to induce tears in the crowd. I just do not know how to do this. I may have to do some soul searching and meditation to find some good points and views about this couple. But I have no doubts that I will. These two are made for each other.
A few days ago, I posted a picture of myself in my car right before work. It was me saying something like "what should I have for lunch" or some junk like that. If you see closely I got a new hair cut. I have wanted a new cut for a while but I didn't know what to do. On mother's day, d and I went to go visit her parents and have lunch with them. During lunch we sat next to this other couple, some guy that was a few years younger than myself. Any way, he had this hair cut that I thought was really cool. It was a Mohawk, but it wasn't. The sides were shaved and faded and in the back a small strip on each side of the head was shaved and faded. The rest of the head was long and spikey. Granted there was no gel on his head, but you could tell the style. THIS IS WHAT I WANTED!!! And knowing me, I'll obsess over it until i get it. Well, I didn't go balls out as I usually would have. I did some research. Looked up pictures from other people that had a common style. Found a picture I liked that had the style I wanted. I saved it to my phone for further reference. After D and I had dinner we went off to get my hair cut. My dad suggested going to his place because it was cheap and because they did good work. He said go to his stylist, Linda, or some other guy, but stay away from this girl named Lynn. Dad said that he had Lynn and she messed up his hair. From then on He would only see Linda or that other guy. With that knowledge in hand we both went to the hair place. It was close to closing about an hour or so before, so no one was really there. There was one guy working on a customer and so I was assigned to the only other person there. I asked for her name, she said lyn or linda. I was like ok, Linda, nice. I sat down and showed her the pictured I d/led earlier to my phone. She said, ok ok, i know what to do. As she was cutting, D was there overseeing some of it. When "L" was cutting the back of my head, my girl stepped in and suggested to cut my hair a certain way. Well, "L" said ok ok, but totally blew off D. After "L" was done and put gel in my hair, it looked ok, but not what I wanted. My hair was somewhat long to begin with and "L" trimmed the top to get the hair to fall in a Mohawk kind of way. The sides, she kind of faded and the back she left long yet trimmed. However, to complete the look that I wanted the bottom of my hair should have been long, but "L" cleaned it up and evened out the bottom of my hair. I reluctantly paid her and we were on our way. I was not too happy with what she did, but D assured me it looked good. It was just disappointing to have a hair style that you want but get something similar yet different. D, as she always does to calm the hulk down, said let it grow out and we'll go to some other person. I love her. She knows how to calm me down. So I was content for a few days. D had to leave for the weekend since she had school, and my relatives had come back from their trip and were staying with us until that Sunday. So of course, D had to leave since we are not engaged and it wouldn't be right to have her here with my when my relatives were at my house. Ok so, the relatives left, and I had the house to myself. That is when it was time to try this cut on my own. I had been obsessing over cutting my hair ever since the first cut when wrong. So I cut my hair, faded the sides and cut the strips on the back and left the rest of the hair the way it was. Well it looks good. To me anyways it looks good. I told D this is just a mold, to see if it will look good on me. It does. So now, I have to wait for the rest of my hair to get longer so as to complete the look. Right now it is a little short in the back but soon, I will finally have the style that I have been waiting for.
This weekend will be crazy. We have a bday party to go to on Sat and then a graduation party that night. Sunday we are chilling I hope.
My dear Jessica, my friend from TN. She showed me a lot of stuff when I was there and I was really grateful for that. Well, this Sat is her wedding day, and even though I can not be there for her, I just wanted to say Congrats and my prayers go out to you on your special day!! Much love!!!
Before I came to work, I stopped by 7-11 to get some coffee and a snack. Well I am almost done with my 24oz coffee. But what they had there were little shots of caffeine or something like that. I put two of those things in my coffee. I think I am now feeling it. I hope I feel it. I need to stay awake!!!
Ok that should be it for now!!!
A few days ago, I posted a picture of myself in my car right before work. It was me saying something like "what should I have for lunch" or some junk like that. If you see closely I got a new hair cut. I have wanted a new cut for a while but I didn't know what to do. On mother's day, d and I went to go visit her parents and have lunch with them. During lunch we sat next to this other couple, some guy that was a few years younger than myself. Any way, he had this hair cut that I thought was really cool. It was a Mohawk, but it wasn't. The sides were shaved and faded and in the back a small strip on each side of the head was shaved and faded. The rest of the head was long and spikey. Granted there was no gel on his head, but you could tell the style. THIS IS WHAT I WANTED!!! And knowing me, I'll obsess over it until i get it. Well, I didn't go balls out as I usually would have. I did some research. Looked up pictures from other people that had a common style. Found a picture I liked that had the style I wanted. I saved it to my phone for further reference. After D and I had dinner we went off to get my hair cut. My dad suggested going to his place because it was cheap and because they did good work. He said go to his stylist, Linda, or some other guy, but stay away from this girl named Lynn. Dad said that he had Lynn and she messed up his hair. From then on He would only see Linda or that other guy. With that knowledge in hand we both went to the hair place. It was close to closing about an hour or so before, so no one was really there. There was one guy working on a customer and so I was assigned to the only other person there. I asked for her name, she said lyn or linda. I was like ok, Linda, nice. I sat down and showed her the pictured I d/led earlier to my phone. She said, ok ok, i know what to do. As she was cutting, D was there overseeing some of it. When "L" was cutting the back of my head, my girl stepped in and suggested to cut my hair a certain way. Well, "L" said ok ok, but totally blew off D. After "L" was done and put gel in my hair, it looked ok, but not what I wanted. My hair was somewhat long to begin with and "L" trimmed the top to get the hair to fall in a Mohawk kind of way. The sides, she kind of faded and the back she left long yet trimmed. However, to complete the look that I wanted the bottom of my hair should have been long, but "L" cleaned it up and evened out the bottom of my hair. I reluctantly paid her and we were on our way. I was not too happy with what she did, but D assured me it looked good. It was just disappointing to have a hair style that you want but get something similar yet different. D, as she always does to calm the hulk down, said let it grow out and we'll go to some other person. I love her. She knows how to calm me down. So I was content for a few days. D had to leave for the weekend since she had school, and my relatives had come back from their trip and were staying with us until that Sunday. So of course, D had to leave since we are not engaged and it wouldn't be right to have her here with my when my relatives were at my house. Ok so, the relatives left, and I had the house to myself. That is when it was time to try this cut on my own. I had been obsessing over cutting my hair ever since the first cut when wrong. So I cut my hair, faded the sides and cut the strips on the back and left the rest of the hair the way it was. Well it looks good. To me anyways it looks good. I told D this is just a mold, to see if it will look good on me. It does. So now, I have to wait for the rest of my hair to get longer so as to complete the look. Right now it is a little short in the back but soon, I will finally have the style that I have been waiting for.
This weekend will be crazy. We have a bday party to go to on Sat and then a graduation party that night. Sunday we are chilling I hope.
My dear Jessica, my friend from TN. She showed me a lot of stuff when I was there and I was really grateful for that. Well, this Sat is her wedding day, and even though I can not be there for her, I just wanted to say Congrats and my prayers go out to you on your special day!! Much love!!!
Before I came to work, I stopped by 7-11 to get some coffee and a snack. Well I am almost done with my 24oz coffee. But what they had there were little shots of caffeine or something like that. I put two of those things in my coffee. I think I am now feeling it. I hope I feel it. I need to stay awake!!!
Ok that should be it for now!!!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Its Friday!!!
Hmm ok. Today is Friday thank goodness. It has been one of those crazy weeks, or has it? I can not really tell. But a lot of stuff has happened. I will randomly jot down what I remember for this week.
First and foremost, I switched my phone back to the BB Storm. But before I did, I upgraded the OS to .148 which is the newest leak. This means it is not an official Verizon upgrade, but it works for my phone. The problem with the previous OS that I was having was the screen lock. When you engaged the screen lock, it should lock the screen. And pushing one button will unlock the screen for you to use the phone. In my case with version .132 any of the buttons unlocked the phone. You can image why this is not good. In my pocket anything could set the screen to unlock and push a bunch of buttons. The new OS fixes this issue thank goodness!! I am happy with the phone for the moment. Verizon is coming out with the Tour, which is a hybrid of the Curve/Bold all for Verizon. It should come out this July, but I have to wait till next year since that is when my contract is up and I dont care to purchase full price for this phone at the moment. But anything can happen.
Last week, my relatives arrived from the PI. My girl and I met them at the airport to pick up their luggage. They arrived from the PI and that same day left for LV. Must be the life. They came back from Vegas this Wed and today my parents and the relatives left for Seatle. They are going on a 7 day cruise to Alaska. Must be nice. I wish I could go with them. Not to see Alaska since I already went, but just to get out of the city.
Last night my cousin came to stay with us with his wife and 2 kids. They came from Sac town and are staying in the house for a day. They are leaving Sat to go back home to Cleavland. At least my girl is coming back tonight. That will be fun. I wont be alone for a while. I think I am spoiled like that.
Yesterday at work, I finally set up dual monitors for my computer. It was a pain because I forgot to install the drivers for the vid card. But once I did, I was golden. I have 2 19" WFP monitors. I am loving life. I just need to have access to the full net and I will be high as a kite. I also have room for another monitor if I find a good one on sale. I also hooked up my USB mini Fridge that I got from a white elephant exchange this past xmas. It does keep my drink(s) cold but not that cold. But it works so I am happy. It also has a blue LED when you open the door.
My Dual Monitors with a Fancy Apple background!!!
My Fridge !! YAY!!
First and foremost, I switched my phone back to the BB Storm. But before I did, I upgraded the OS to .148 which is the newest leak. This means it is not an official Verizon upgrade, but it works for my phone. The problem with the previous OS that I was having was the screen lock. When you engaged the screen lock, it should lock the screen. And pushing one button will unlock the screen for you to use the phone. In my case with version .132 any of the buttons unlocked the phone. You can image why this is not good. In my pocket anything could set the screen to unlock and push a bunch of buttons. The new OS fixes this issue thank goodness!! I am happy with the phone for the moment. Verizon is coming out with the Tour, which is a hybrid of the Curve/Bold all for Verizon. It should come out this July, but I have to wait till next year since that is when my contract is up and I dont care to purchase full price for this phone at the moment. But anything can happen.
Last week, my relatives arrived from the PI. My girl and I met them at the airport to pick up their luggage. They arrived from the PI and that same day left for LV. Must be the life. They came back from Vegas this Wed and today my parents and the relatives left for Seatle. They are going on a 7 day cruise to Alaska. Must be nice. I wish I could go with them. Not to see Alaska since I already went, but just to get out of the city.
Last night my cousin came to stay with us with his wife and 2 kids. They came from Sac town and are staying in the house for a day. They are leaving Sat to go back home to Cleavland. At least my girl is coming back tonight. That will be fun. I wont be alone for a while. I think I am spoiled like that.
Yesterday at work, I finally set up dual monitors for my computer. It was a pain because I forgot to install the drivers for the vid card. But once I did, I was golden. I have 2 19" WFP monitors. I am loving life. I just need to have access to the full net and I will be high as a kite. I also have room for another monitor if I find a good one on sale. I also hooked up my USB mini Fridge that I got from a white elephant exchange this past xmas. It does keep my drink(s) cold but not that cold. But it works so I am happy. It also has a blue LED when you open the door.
My Dual Monitors with a Fancy Apple background!!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
This entry is going to be a lot of randomness since I can not really focus on one thing at once today.
I have been really tired these past few days. I would go to bed around 11pm and wake up at 5am to get ready for work. Throughout the night I would use the restroom since I drink more than a gallon of water a day and my body wants to get rid of it at night. I think my body is nocturnal. But this is really affecting me when I am at work. I get to work and I will start to get tired and fall asleep. On top of that, I sit within eyesight of the HR person. So already caught me using my cell phone during work. She had to ask my boss to remind me that "using personal cell phones during work is prohibited." Crap..oh well. My regular cup of coffee is not doing the trick. Maybe I should stop drinking at night, but now that it has gotten hot I find myself drinking more water! blah. I will have to find something to change because I really want to sleep and wake up refreshed like most people do.
For the past few months I have been trying to save up money for our trip to HI. Right now I have enough to cover the hotel room for the several days that we will be there. When I mention we, I mean my girl and I. I am not making as much as I would like to make, but working over time has helped out a bit. I know this stress is due to my habit of spending money on things I do not really need but want. I.E. my growing watch collection that I will post later. I always find a way to put some money aside for the trip, get a new watch, and pay my bills. Then something always comes up where I have to pull money from my savings account, i.e. trip account, and use that money to pay off other things. I really need to stop buying things. I just can not help it. But hopefully I can save enough since the trip is coming up in Sept. I know for this coming paycheck I have a good few hours of over time that I have clocked. Maybe this will help in my savings. I also send this money to my online account where I do not see the money until I really need it. This way I don't see it and while it is in this account the money is gaining interest.
I am feeling some pressure to hurry up and get engaged and get married. I want to but for financial reasons as stated above, I cant do it. From previous run ins with the money police I had to start over and start saving. I find it hard for me to do. Please see above paragraph for reasons why. I love her and want to marry her, but I want to get settled in. I still am at home and to move out is not an option. Maybe after I come back from the HI trip. I just need to win the lottery. I want to live comfortably and not have to worry where my money will go and to stop living from paycheck to paycheck. It is very frustrating. Sometimes this is all I can think about. This could a reason why I can not sleep. I do not know. All I know is that I have a goal or two or three that I want to get to but my inabilities to save are hindering my path. I need help.
As for the hole in my pocket, my watch collection has grown to include over 15 watches. That is impressive. This list should include ones that I have had for a long time but I have lost them in the madness that I call my room. I have them displayed on my dresser, hanging on a make shift wire shelf. I will post pictures of this later in another entry. As for my other passion(s) I have not really purchased any real tech or gadgets lately. What is wrong with me? I think I just switched focus from gadgets to watches. Every day I surf through my favorite gadget sites but nothing really comes out at me as something that I need or want. I am usually a first generation type of person, i.e. waiting in line for the Storm on its release day or paying $700 for a Moto Razor unlocked phone just to have it before Motorola actually released it to a carrier on US soil. I enjoyed a good 3 months of individuality with the razor. Of course this did not last because within those 3 months I had already moved on to about 1 or 2 more new phones. That is just who I am. I can not settle down with one item. Or at least that is how it was. My search is about finding that one item which will fulfill the different aspects of my life. For example, I have been using the bb curve for a good 4+ months. I am wanting to switch back to the Storm just because it is somewhat "newish" As for my watch, Ive been wearing my Seiko Divers watch, but there is another one that is coming to replace this one. It is the Seiko Black Monster. It is another divers watch. But these are usually my constant items. If they change they change. But I hope they will not change and I can stop obsessing over these items. I literally had an internal debate on which watch I should wear all the time. My mindset is I want that one watch to rule them all. I was torn between 2 watches. Even after asking my girl which one she liked I still had this debate with myself. I sat on my bed with both watches in my hand for a good 20+ mins. I finally decided on the Seiko watch. And I have been wearing it ever since. Since my watch fetish and phone fetish seems to have dwindled down, I might focus on saving money and make it my new obsession. Who knows what will happen.
I have been really tired these past few days. I would go to bed around 11pm and wake up at 5am to get ready for work. Throughout the night I would use the restroom since I drink more than a gallon of water a day and my body wants to get rid of it at night. I think my body is nocturnal. But this is really affecting me when I am at work. I get to work and I will start to get tired and fall asleep. On top of that, I sit within eyesight of the HR person. So already caught me using my cell phone during work. She had to ask my boss to remind me that "using personal cell phones during work is prohibited." Crap..oh well. My regular cup of coffee is not doing the trick. Maybe I should stop drinking at night, but now that it has gotten hot I find myself drinking more water! blah. I will have to find something to change because I really want to sleep and wake up refreshed like most people do.
For the past few months I have been trying to save up money for our trip to HI. Right now I have enough to cover the hotel room for the several days that we will be there. When I mention we, I mean my girl and I. I am not making as much as I would like to make, but working over time has helped out a bit. I know this stress is due to my habit of spending money on things I do not really need but want. I.E. my growing watch collection that I will post later. I always find a way to put some money aside for the trip, get a new watch, and pay my bills. Then something always comes up where I have to pull money from my savings account, i.e. trip account, and use that money to pay off other things. I really need to stop buying things. I just can not help it. But hopefully I can save enough since the trip is coming up in Sept. I know for this coming paycheck I have a good few hours of over time that I have clocked. Maybe this will help in my savings. I also send this money to my online account where I do not see the money until I really need it. This way I don't see it and while it is in this account the money is gaining interest.
I am feeling some pressure to hurry up and get engaged and get married. I want to but for financial reasons as stated above, I cant do it. From previous run ins with the money police I had to start over and start saving. I find it hard for me to do. Please see above paragraph for reasons why. I love her and want to marry her, but I want to get settled in. I still am at home and to move out is not an option. Maybe after I come back from the HI trip. I just need to win the lottery. I want to live comfortably and not have to worry where my money will go and to stop living from paycheck to paycheck. It is very frustrating. Sometimes this is all I can think about. This could a reason why I can not sleep. I do not know. All I know is that I have a goal or two or three that I want to get to but my inabilities to save are hindering my path. I need help.
As for the hole in my pocket, my watch collection has grown to include over 15 watches. That is impressive. This list should include ones that I have had for a long time but I have lost them in the madness that I call my room. I have them displayed on my dresser, hanging on a make shift wire shelf. I will post pictures of this later in another entry. As for my other passion(s) I have not really purchased any real tech or gadgets lately. What is wrong with me? I think I just switched focus from gadgets to watches. Every day I surf through my favorite gadget sites but nothing really comes out at me as something that I need or want. I am usually a first generation type of person, i.e. waiting in line for the Storm on its release day or paying $700 for a Moto Razor unlocked phone just to have it before Motorola actually released it to a carrier on US soil. I enjoyed a good 3 months of individuality with the razor. Of course this did not last because within those 3 months I had already moved on to about 1 or 2 more new phones. That is just who I am. I can not settle down with one item. Or at least that is how it was. My search is about finding that one item which will fulfill the different aspects of my life. For example, I have been using the bb curve for a good 4+ months. I am wanting to switch back to the Storm just because it is somewhat "newish" As for my watch, Ive been wearing my Seiko Divers watch, but there is another one that is coming to replace this one. It is the Seiko Black Monster. It is another divers watch. But these are usually my constant items. If they change they change. But I hope they will not change and I can stop obsessing over these items. I literally had an internal debate on which watch I should wear all the time. My mindset is I want that one watch to rule them all. I was torn between 2 watches. Even after asking my girl which one she liked I still had this debate with myself. I sat on my bed with both watches in my hand for a good 20+ mins. I finally decided on the Seiko watch. And I have been wearing it ever since. Since my watch fetish and phone fetish seems to have dwindled down, I might focus on saving money and make it my new obsession. Who knows what will happen.
So yesterday my girl came to visit me. However she brought a little friend in a form of a puppy named Rylee. She received rylee from a neighbor while she was living in Pomona. So D had rylee for about a week or so. She was telling me how rylee needed a lot of attention because she was a puppy and like all puppies they need love and attention. However, since D was moving back home with her parents, she was not able to keep rylee at her place. She asked her cousins, friends, and of course myself, but we are not ready for another dog. Yesterday during work, I caught my first glimpse of Rylee. She was small with stubby legs and long fur. I let her lick my fingers and petted her before it was time for me to go back to work. When I came home, there was D and Rylee. I spent most of my free time with her. Took her to the backyard and played with her. When I brought her inside, she went crazy as most puppies do with pent up energy. She was running back and forth from my room to the other room and back. The sad part comes when we have to take her back to her original owners. We, her and I, just were not ready for a puppy. This especially since we live at home with our parents. We said our goodbyes and promised to visit. I know she will find a good family. Today however I feel sad. Even though I spent a half a day with her, I miss her. I just can not imagine what D is going through. We will get another dog. It is just a matter of when. For Rylee, I wish you the best. I love you.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
IT Question
I guess I wanted to post a quick question out in cyberspace to anyone who is listening. I work in the IT department of a medical facility. Granted it is just myself and the IT director but we get a lot of stuff done.
Early this week, I set up a department to get them ready to have a online training session with another company. This just involved logging into the web conference site for them and logging in to the telephone part of the conference. Every day they would ask me to set it up for them. Today, I showed one member what to do.
My question which I kind of know the answer to but I would like some feedback is:
Should I care if they now know how to do this? or should I just be glad that I do not have to deal with this single issue anymore?
I would go for the latter.
WHY? Because now it frees me up to do other things that need to get done.
Ok well thanks for listening.
Early this week, I set up a department to get them ready to have a online training session with another company. This just involved logging into the web conference site for them and logging in to the telephone part of the conference. Every day they would ask me to set it up for them. Today, I showed one member what to do.
My question which I kind of know the answer to but I would like some feedback is:
Should I care if they now know how to do this? or should I just be glad that I do not have to deal with this single issue anymore?
I would go for the latter.
WHY? Because now it frees me up to do other things that need to get done.
Ok well thanks for listening.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Ipod Shuffle 3 gen
As most or all of you know by now that Apple has released the 3rd generation ipod shuffle. What is a shuffle you may ask? First off it is Apple's low end ipod that doesn't include a screen just controls. The biggest draw in my opinion was the fact that you could add any songs you wanted into the shuffle or you could have itunes randomly put songs on the shuffle. I like the 2nd option because who wants to hear the same old songs over and over again. With a large library of songs sometimes it is hard to listen to all your songs. This way, you can get a random pick of your songs and if you don't like them you can skip them.
Onto the new ipod shuffle. It is small by the pictures around the net. Compared to the first and second generation it is smaller than both but it still retains the clip of the 2nd gen shuffle. You will notice however, there are no buttons to be found on the shuffle except for the slider/button that either turns the shuffle on and switches between random songs or playing the songs down the line of the play list. To change the volume, skip back/forth or play / pause the song, all those controls are built into the headphones that come with the ipod. There have been lots of discussions about the build of this shuffle.
Maybe Apple was looking to go minimalistic with the no button approach. If that was their intent, congrats. You have made a very simple inexpensive ipod the looks like a piece of gum. The downside about the controls on the headphones is the controls on the headphones. I have used the ear buds that come with the ipod. That is not a big deal to me. However, most people dread using the included buds and they prefer their own headphones. Yet if they plug in their headphones it will not work with this shuffle. There is an authentication chip in the ear buds that allows the ipod to play with the buds. So, if you wanted to use your own headset you are SOL. You will have to either use the ones provided by Apple or wait and purchase 3rd part ear buds that will cost as much or even more than the shuffle itself.
There is another feature that Apple included in the new shuffle. When you press a button on the ear buds a voice will talk to you saying the name of the song, artist and or play list. You will have to load this software from itunes and itunes will create the voice and insert it into the shuffle. A good idea, but I usually don't edit my play list names, so it will be interesting to see how the voice handles my list.
To buy or not to buy.
For me, if I had $79 to play with, I would actually buy this shuffle. Why? Because I collect ipods. I like new shiny toys and I am a sucker that way. I use my 3rd gen ipod in the bathroom connected to a radio. I play movies and games on my itouch2. I'll listen to my music on my 2nd gen nano. I'll work out, if i get that started again, with my 2nd gen shuffle. And my 1st gen touch sits on my shelf collecting dust. I really do not want to pay $10 to upgrade the OS so that it can use the App Store. But never say never. BTW, this is how frivolous I am. I had the first gen itouch, and the only reason why I got the 2nd gen itouch was because of the external speakers. I really wanted an iPhone, and part of me still does. However, with the external speakers this is as close as I can get to having an iPhone.
Ipod Shuffle 3gen
Comes in Silver or Black.
4GB of Storage.
Comes with ear buds and usb cable.
Onto the new ipod shuffle. It is small by the pictures around the net. Compared to the first and second generation it is smaller than both but it still retains the clip of the 2nd gen shuffle. You will notice however, there are no buttons to be found on the shuffle except for the slider/button that either turns the shuffle on and switches between random songs or playing the songs down the line of the play list. To change the volume, skip back/forth or play / pause the song, all those controls are built into the headphones that come with the ipod. There have been lots of discussions about the build of this shuffle.
Maybe Apple was looking to go minimalistic with the no button approach. If that was their intent, congrats. You have made a very simple inexpensive ipod the looks like a piece of gum. The downside about the controls on the headphones is the controls on the headphones. I have used the ear buds that come with the ipod. That is not a big deal to me. However, most people dread using the included buds and they prefer their own headphones. Yet if they plug in their headphones it will not work with this shuffle. There is an authentication chip in the ear buds that allows the ipod to play with the buds. So, if you wanted to use your own headset you are SOL. You will have to either use the ones provided by Apple or wait and purchase 3rd part ear buds that will cost as much or even more than the shuffle itself.
There is another feature that Apple included in the new shuffle. When you press a button on the ear buds a voice will talk to you saying the name of the song, artist and or play list. You will have to load this software from itunes and itunes will create the voice and insert it into the shuffle. A good idea, but I usually don't edit my play list names, so it will be interesting to see how the voice handles my list.
To buy or not to buy.
For me, if I had $79 to play with, I would actually buy this shuffle. Why? Because I collect ipods. I like new shiny toys and I am a sucker that way. I use my 3rd gen ipod in the bathroom connected to a radio. I play movies and games on my itouch2. I'll listen to my music on my 2nd gen nano. I'll work out, if i get that started again, with my 2nd gen shuffle. And my 1st gen touch sits on my shelf collecting dust. I really do not want to pay $10 to upgrade the OS so that it can use the App Store. But never say never. BTW, this is how frivolous I am. I had the first gen itouch, and the only reason why I got the 2nd gen itouch was because of the external speakers. I really wanted an iPhone, and part of me still does. However, with the external speakers this is as close as I can get to having an iPhone.
Ipod Shuffle 3gen
Comes in Silver or Black.
4GB of Storage.
Comes with ear buds and usb cable.
Monday, March 16, 2009
My Watch Team
My obsession has hopefully stopped. What am I talking about? My watch collection will have to be put on hold for a while even stopped permanently. My baby girl put a stop to my crazy ass spending habits especially on my watch collection. I really do not blame her. She is right. I not only buy watches but I get them a week or so apart. This means that I'll wear the new watch for a few days and then when the other watch comes, I switch and wear the new watch. I really have a problem. But I gave my girl my word so my last watch purchase is the Casio G-Shock Mudman 9000A-1 I believe. This will be number 8 or 9 of the Casio G-Shock line. My collection has grown so much. Here is a list of the watches that I have:
Citizen SST Promaster II.
4 Invicta Watches.
8-9 Casio G-shock watches.
Casio Pathfinder watch
Seiko Pro Divers Watch
Swiss Army Pocket watch
An engraved Pocket watch from My boo
Fossil Watch
Armintron Watch
I am sure that is all. I will post the models as soon as I get a chance.
All i really want now is a case to display these watches. Maybe if I am really good I can get one.
Citizen SST Promaster II.
4 Invicta Watches.
8-9 Casio G-shock watches.
Casio Pathfinder watch
Seiko Pro Divers Watch
Swiss Army Pocket watch
An engraved Pocket watch from My boo
Fossil Watch
Armintron Watch
I am sure that is all. I will post the models as soon as I get a chance.
All i really want now is a case to display these watches. Maybe if I am really good I can get one.
All the Small Things...
Good Morning!
Today is Thursday and the sun is coming up through the clouds. There have been a lot of things going on this week that I would like to address. Just some small things that I want to list down.
First off, I went to dinner last night to a Thai place close to where I live. My girl and I went. Her taste buds were in need of flavor. The place is called Little Orchid. It is literally 5 mins from my house. Any ways, I read some reviews online and the place even had a Zagat rating. When we arrived the place was empty. We sat down at a corner table facing the window to the street. My girl looked at the menu online so she had an idea of what she wanted. My girl is from Laos and her family mostly cooks Thai food. So who better to go to a Thai place than someone who naturally eats Thai food. So she ordered papaya salad and laab with chicken. Or Chicken laab. I ordered pai thai and chicken satay. Everything except the pai thai came out quickly. I do not claim to be a food expert but usually when I have tasted something that I like I remember the taste. I tried her laab minus the spicy flavor and it tasted the way I remembered it. The chicken satay was OK. I usually get this I do not know why. The chicken is always kind of dry. But I ate this with some rice. The pai thai finally came out and I mixed the noodles and put some on my plate. Granted I don't usually eat pai thai but this was some how sweeter and stronger in taste than what I excepted. The sweetness of the dish was so strong that I actually had to put a spoonful of rice to absorb some of the sauce. Her take on the food was not as good as mine. She said the papaya salad was not up to par with her tastes and that the laab was too bitter. All I could really do is shrug my shoulders and go with it. She also said that the pai thai was too sweet and strong. During our dinner, a pair of women came in and sat next to us by the window. My back was facing them but I was close enough to where I could hear their conversation. They ordered some thai ice cream for dessert. When it came, there was some interesting dialogue. Apparently their ice cream had freezer burn. That is when you leave something in the freezer for a while and ice builds up on top of the food. They flagged one of the waitresses and told them their issue. The waitress responds by saying oh it is just frozen from the freezer. Did you want me to put this in the microwave for a little bit? The girls for obvious reasons said no thanks. We then promptly paid our bill and left the restaurant. I do not think we will go back to that place, ever.
I have a growing obsession with collecting things lately. This time it is watches. I have had a number of watches in my possession before, but it was not until recently that I have purchased a whole lot more. I am actually waiting on my last purchase to arrive this week. It is a Casio Pathfinder. I can't wait to get it and try it on. I think my next purchase will be a case to display and hold my watches. Right now, the newer watches are in their respective boxes but my older ones are out in the open in a drawer. It will be nice to have a central place where I can keep all my watches together. I am not sure if I will pick up other watches, but with my nature I highly doubt that I can stop. I just have to look around for some great deals and obtain watches that do not break the bank. I am still in saving mode if you can believe that. So I need to try to save some money for our trip to Hawaii.
I have also found myself trying to get rid of a lot of junk that I do not need. When I say junk, I mean a lot of unused, unseen items that tend to pile up in my room / place of chilling. What I started to do was write down certain projects that need to get done around the house. I have given each project a goal and certain projects even have steps to accomplish the goals. I did not add a time frame because I do not want to be tied down. But in order to accomplish each goal I may have to set myself limits. For me, I find it hard because I am lazy. I have my mind set to do something at home after work, but as soon as my shoes come off and I am in my comfy clothes I am out for the count. This has to stop but when? I do not know. I may take one project at a time and the little steps first. Because as the saying goes, "You cant start to walk until you know how to crawl." or was it, "baby steps first?" Any ways, it all about the small things!!
Have a good day.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Hump Day
I am writing this blog entry as a way for me to stay awake and focused. I am literally falling asleep at my desk. I just finished my 2nd cup of coffee and I still have not felt any effects. This is how bad I fall asleep. I am down to my last sip or so of coffee, and I'm reading some article on the web. I feel myself nodding away and wake myself up in time to catch me from not spilling my coffee onto my shirt. This has got to stop. I need to find something to do at work. I spent my lunch outside on the patio which was good because it gave me the chance to get some fresh air. Surprisingly it was cool yet bearable outside. I enjoyed that. I take my lunch usually around 1 or 2 pm so that when I get back to work I only have an hour or so of work left since I get off at 4pm. Today was a hard day since I was or have been falling asleep this whole day. It sucks. But hopefully it won't happen again tomorrow. The weather outside feels good. The clouds are out so it is not too sunny but not to cold either. I have finally wrote down some goals that I want to accomplish in the following months and I wrote to myself a pledge that I intend to keep. Most of the pledge is to stop my frivolous spending and to focus more on saving money. I need to save money not just for me but for my girlie as well. If I plan on marrying this girl, I have to give her parents a dowry. But upon looking this word up, I think the correct term is bride price. This is where I give her parents money for the blessing of marrying her. I don't really know what the purpose is but I will look it up. On top of this, I have to save money for our trip to Hawaii to see my best friend get married. I can't and won't miss that.
My girl has told me about this tradition of the dowry/bride price and I would just shrug it off as something that I will cross when I get there. But more and more each day it is becoming relevant. If I want to marry her I will have to produce the money. This kind of scares me since I do not really make that much so when I start saving up for this it will take a long time. Plus, I am not sure about who pays for what during the wedding, but I am sure I may have to pay for that also. Honestly I just want to go to Vegas and get married if I had the chance. Why do I have to jump over this hurdle to be with the one I truly love and care about. I think I am just afraid of not being able to spend money on myself as I have done for the past 7+ years or so. Ever since I started working after college, it has been all about me. Of course I wish I could go back and do a lot of things over. But I can not. I am 31 years old and I have nothing to show for it. Maybe I have multiple phones, some laptops, some ipods, and a list of other items but I do not have anything for the future. When the thought of the future comes to my head I think about the next big think I want to get. Not for anyone else but for me. That is my problem. I have been so kind and caring towards other people in my past that I think I just forgot how to do that. I would call myself a romantic guy but at the present I haven't really done anything romantic. I used all this up when I was in my twenties. I have to find away to get this back. She deserves better than what I can offer to her at the moment. All I can do is refocus my energy on my goals.
Wish me luck cause I sure could use it!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Oh so Tired
Today is Monday, the start of another week. I had a weird dream last night involving my ex. It was really weird. In essence I was trying to get back with her, but in the end I did not. This insert may not make sense for I do not know what to talk about. The last few days I have been in pain, my ankle is acting up. It is swollen and it hurts when you touch it. During the night when I am trying to sleep or during the day today, it would spasm to the point where it would twitch my whole left. I am scared. I just want to get better and be able to live my life without such pain. I know I have to lose weight. I think I am. The jeans that I am wearing are unusually baggy today. I buy my jeans big, but the jeans today is really big. I had to go beyond my usually notch on my belt just to keep my pants from falling. Hopefully I can keep this up.
I have purchased a lot of items in my life. As you may know I am a gadget guy and I have to have the latest gadgets. I find myself containing my gadget (electronic) purchases and have not bought an electronic gadget in a while. However, watches are a different story. I have a pretty decent size watch collection. My current watch that I am wearing is the Casio G-Shock Riseman watch. This has been my latest purchase until I ordered a G-Shock Frogman. The frogman style has been on my wanted list for a while. It is a style that Casio has stopped manufacturing. It is a 25th Anniversary edition and is hard to find. Maybe not that hard to find. If you google it, some places have this watch. The good news is if you look on the Casio/G-Shock website this category is not there. I like limited edition items. I just have to find a place to display my collection.
My collection does not stop at watches. I have multiple sunglasses, all from Oakley, and I have started collecting these big headed action figures. I have the Hulk, and I have Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow from G.I. Joe fame. You could also say that I have a large collection if writing instruments but mostly they are taken from my work environments. I would imagine these as a good hobby but I really need to focus on saving money so that I can go on a Hawaii trip and also to get married. I found my passion, I just need to find a way to organize, display, and focus on my hobby.
I told you this would not make any sense. It is just something that I had to get off my chest.
I have purchased a lot of items in my life. As you may know I am a gadget guy and I have to have the latest gadgets. I find myself containing my gadget (electronic) purchases and have not bought an electronic gadget in a while. However, watches are a different story. I have a pretty decent size watch collection. My current watch that I am wearing is the Casio G-Shock Riseman watch. This has been my latest purchase until I ordered a G-Shock Frogman. The frogman style has been on my wanted list for a while. It is a style that Casio has stopped manufacturing. It is a 25th Anniversary edition and is hard to find. Maybe not that hard to find. If you google it, some places have this watch. The good news is if you look on the Casio/G-Shock website this category is not there. I like limited edition items. I just have to find a place to display my collection.
My collection does not stop at watches. I have multiple sunglasses, all from Oakley, and I have started collecting these big headed action figures. I have the Hulk, and I have Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow from G.I. Joe fame. You could also say that I have a large collection if writing instruments but mostly they are taken from my work environments. I would imagine these as a good hobby but I really need to focus on saving money so that I can go on a Hawaii trip and also to get married. I found my passion, I just need to find a way to organize, display, and focus on my hobby.
I told you this would not make any sense. It is just something that I had to get off my chest.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Friday
Happy Friday! It was been one crazy week here for me. The last week started with a gout attack that lasted until, well it is still on going. I was unable at first to bend my knee a week or so ago. Then my knee was getting better to the point of it being able to bend but now not straighten. This is still going on. However, during the last week or so, it was so bad that I first was using a cane to move around and finally I had to use crutches. I've been on crutches from last week until Monday of this week. So needless to say, I am walking without crutches but I still can not bend my knee straight. For this pain, my gift was 2 days off last week. The result showed on my paycheck! haha Oh well. At least I have a job, my health is getting better and everything is A-OK!
I think that is all I want to write for now..my feet are hurting but its all good.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Today is my girl's birthday!! WOOHOO!!!
We have been together for over a year, 2 years this Aug. Wow, just thinking about the day that I met her, I had a lot of stuff going on. I was at my old job as a project manager during my last few days there. I would actually leave early saying that I had an "interview" with another company and head straight to the OC to visit her. I would meet her at work and after her work we would go out to eat or see a movie or what not. The day I asked her to be my girlfriend, was one of those days where I left early to visit her. We went to a park and walked around. We sat on huge rocks overlooking a man made lake watching the ducks swim by. It was a pretty place minus all the graffiti on the rocks. Nice place to go during the day, but beware at night! You might get jacked! Ok, anyway, as we were lounging on a big rock, my butt hasn't forgiving me yet, I turned her around to look her in the eyes. I asked her to be my girlfriend. She thankfully said yes! I know its cheesy but it worked. We've been together ever since.
We have seen some good times and some bad times. But through all that we stood by each other. She is actually rubbing off on me. Or should I say she motivates me. She motivated me to get off my ass and get organized. Now I have less clutter in my room and my office. Everything is simplistic, well almost. Let's just say it is a work in progress. I now can go into my room take off my shoes and just lay down without having to look at piles of stuff everywhere. That is a good thing. We are now looking to save money for the future. And if you read any of my earlier posts you will understand that I have a hard time saving money. But this is for a good cause. We have a wedding to attend in Hawaii come this Sept, we want to save for a house and you know, marriage. Scary I know. She is the one. After all that searching and whining and praying for a long term girl to come my way, there she is. I am happy.
Hope your days are filled with blessings and good fortune.
Thank you for letting me be who I am and who I should have been.
I love you always.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Low Tech? 2
It has been a while since I last wrote in this blog.
The last time I wrote, I was using my storm about to give it up and go to a flip phone. During that time, I did give up using my storm. It was too big and bulky for me. Don't get me wrong I loved it, but I thought I could handle something without all the hassle. I decided to go low tech, kind of, with the LG Decoy. I got so far as to order it as an upgrade from Verizon and open the box to check out the phone. All in all it was a good phone. Convenient to say the least. It had its own bluetooth headset built in and can be removed at a touch of a button. While sitting at my desk at home, messing with the phone, I came to the conclusion that this may not do it for me. I would call myself a tech person. I would even go so far as to say that I am a "connected" person. I need to stay connected to the Internet. Whether it be email, rss feeds, or even facebook. Something to get me away from what I am doing at the present. That it why I kept the decoy in its box, and returned the faithful blackberry phone. There were issues for me going back from a regular phone to my BB phone. The main issue was I didn't know which one to go back to. I have the storm, the curve, the world phone 8830, and the pearl. The world phone is a no brain-er. No camera no play. The storm is new and high tech but I couldn't get over the accelerometer issues. I decided to activate the pearl. Once it was active, my girl and I went to walmart to walk around and get some McDonald's. While we were walking I was playing with the phone to get re-accustomed to the features. I tried video recording with the pearl but it would not record. Let me rephrase that. I can record just fine on the pearl. It was a matter of the pearl saving the video to memory. This was just fantastic. I want to use a phone and use all of its functionalities. I was disappointed but I tried to troubleshoot the problem. I checked the settings on the phone to make sure it was saving to the memory card. I checked the directory folder on the memory card to make sure it was the memory card and not the device memory. I verified all my settings with my gf's pearl, which can record video. But none of these items worked. It would say that it is recording but the file is always at 0kb. When we got home, I immediately went online and switched the pearl to the curve. Everything went well. I was able to activate the curve and use it. However, I forgot that the curve's trackball would not scroll up so easily. It would take me a few swipes for the cursor to go all the way up the screen. I have lived with this problem since I got the phone but I sure wasn't going to live with it now. I decided to do a little surgery to fix this problem. I took off the silver ring around the trackball off the phone. The trackball was easy to take off after that. Since the pearl and the curve use the same equipment I just swapped out the trackball and silver ring off of the pearl and placed them in the curve. Powered the curve on and I was able to scroll in all directions without a problem.
A couple of key points from this splurge of my mind:
- I want to be low tech
- But I need to be connected
- Thus I need my blackberry.
What else can I do to save some money.
In part one of Low Tech?, I stated that I had 5 lines and I wanted to consolidate those into 2 lines. As I was speaking with the Verizon rep to help me activate the pearl, she kindly helped me reorganize my lines and my plan. So instead of having 5 separate lines, she turned them into a family plan. I have yet to see the total bill for this change but it has to be better than what I was paying before. I will eventually ( meaning some time soon) cancel my 3 lines and just pay the 2 lines. In the end it will turn out nicely for me. I will most likely have to pay about $550 to cancel 3 lines compared to paying $3000 a year for all 5 lines. In the long run this will work to my benefit. I just hope I can pay this chunk in smaller chunks.
I guess low tech for me would be using what I have to benefit me without the need to spend a lot of money. For instance, I have multiple large usb drives I can use for back up and storage. I have several external hard drives for back up and storage. I have several ipods for music and videos and entertainment. I just need to calm down with my spending and use the tech that I already have. Wish me luck with that!
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