First and foremost, I switched my phone back to the BB Storm. But before I did, I upgraded the OS to .148 which is the newest leak. This means it is not an official Verizon upgrade, but it works for my phone. The problem with the previous OS that I was having was the screen lock. When you engaged the screen lock, it should lock the screen. And pushing one button will unlock the screen for you to use the phone. In my case with version .132 any of the buttons unlocked the phone. You can image why this is not good. In my pocket anything could set the screen to unlock and push a bunch of buttons. The new OS fixes this issue thank goodness!! I am happy with the phone for the moment. Verizon is coming out with the Tour, which is a hybrid of the Curve/Bold all for Verizon. It should come out this July, but I have to wait till next year since that is when my contract is up and I dont care to purchase full price for this phone at the moment. But anything can happen.
Last week, my relatives arrived from the PI. My girl and I met them at the airport to pick up their luggage. They arrived from the PI and that same day left for LV. Must be the life. They came back from Vegas this Wed and today my parents and the relatives left for Seatle. They are going on a 7 day cruise to Alaska. Must be nice. I wish I could go with them. Not to see Alaska since I already went, but just to get out of the city.
Last night my cousin came to stay with us with his wife and 2 kids. They came from Sac town and are staying in the house for a day. They are leaving Sat to go back home to Cleavland. At least my girl is coming back tonight. That will be fun. I wont be alone for a while. I think I am spoiled like that.
Yesterday at work, I finally set up dual monitors for my computer. It was a pain because I forgot to install the drivers for the vid card. But once I did, I was golden. I have 2 19" WFP monitors. I am loving life. I just need to have access to the full net and I will be high as a kite. I also have room for another monitor if I find a good one on sale. I also hooked up my USB mini Fridge that I got from a white elephant exchange this past xmas. It does keep my drink(s) cold but not that cold. But it works so I am happy. It also has a blue LED when you open the door.
My Dual Monitors with a Fancy Apple background!!!
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