Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So yesterday my girl came to visit me. However she brought a little friend in a form of a puppy named Rylee. She received rylee from a neighbor while she was living in Pomona. So D had rylee for about a week or so. She was telling me how rylee needed a lot of attention because she was a puppy and like all puppies they need love and attention. However, since D was moving back home with her parents, she was not able to keep rylee at her place. She asked her cousins, friends, and of course myself, but we are not ready for another dog. Yesterday during work, I caught my first glimpse of Rylee. She was small with stubby legs and long fur. I let her lick my fingers and petted her before it was time for me to go back to work. When I came home, there was D and Rylee. I spent most of my free time with her. Took her to the backyard and played with her. When I brought her inside, she went crazy as most puppies do with pent up energy. She was running back and forth from my room to the other room and back. The sad part comes when we have to take her back to her original owners. We, her and I, just were not ready for a puppy. This especially since we live at home with our parents. We said our goodbyes and promised to visit. I know she will find a good family. Today however I feel sad. Even though I spent a half a day with her, I miss her. I just can not imagine what D is going through. We will get another dog. It is just a matter of when. For Rylee, I wish you the best. I love you.

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