Today is the 29th, the day of the official iPhone release. Many people have begun lining up at stores already. There has been one incident of a fail mugging attempt. I guess there was a TV crew filming outside of an Apple store and one of the four top tech commentators was about to pull out his iphone to demo to the film crew. Then some guy goes and jumps the camera man and the tech guy. From what I heard, the police and the people in line helped to detain the would be mugger. Stupid! But a nice try!!
**edit** There is now a video of this scene circulating throughout the net. It looks as if the guy was trying to grab the mic. I couldnt hear the audio, but if he was really trying to grab the iphone he has bad aim!! But again it was a good attempt!
Another report has Steve Jobs, the big man at Apple, saying that edge is kind of slow and buggy. For those of you that dont know, edge, is a the wireless over the air network used by ATT. This is slow technology being the fact that ATT has a 3G network that Apple did not take put on the phone. The reason being that their 3G network doesnt encompass the entire US States. EVDO, the 3G equivalent, by Verizon covers the whole US states. Too bad Verizon and Apple couldn't get along!! So Steve says, edge is slow and buggy and is not good for webbrowsing. NO SHIT!! Next time you make a phone do your damn research!!
Our company just moved their email system to an outlook server. That means more spam? I dont know. But from the spam I get from outlook and my gmail I can do the following:
- I can have a bigger Penis
- I can lose weight faster
- I can win A free Ipod
- Something in Chinese or some language using characters
- I get free Kmart Gift Cards
- I can meet Attractive Singles
- I won lots of cool Prizes
- I can get gift cards to all these places
- I can view Photos of people in my area.
The only thing Spam is good for is in my mouth!! haha
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.
In Ottawa, some idiot bought a fake Iphone for 750$. I mean, it was apparently just a plastic box with nothing in it. How stupid can you get !
I get a lot of spam too, lots about Viagra. Spammer never understood I'm a female apparently ! :D
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