It seems that after I was laid off from the project coordinator job, everything has come to a stand still. I guess you can chalk that one up to the new job, the lack of internet time at the job, and the laziness of me when I get home. I haven't blogged in a while nor have I myspaced or the new thing for me, facebook. Though I get daily emails from both services it is hard to find time to go view each sites. Even my tech sites that I usually frequent have taken a back seat to my job. Hopefully I can make time to do the things that I love doing, like blogging and staying on top of my tech gear.
As tech gear goes, I am or I went back to rocking the Verizon BB 8820. I am looking forward to the Pearl 2 that is coming out Nov 14th, but I may not get it. I like the full qwerty keyboard. But lack of camera kind of sucks. But the cool thing I found out while on break, is the fact that I can go on youtube and watch videos from my bb!! Pretty cool. Other gear I rock everyday or bring with me, my Nokia bluetooth headset. I mainly use that bad boy on the way home talking to D or Lissa. I also bring my digital camera with me. Ya know just for those moments when a camera is the only thing that will get the job done. My main tool for work is a nice Pen. It writes smoothly, retracts, and can fit nicely in my pocket. I still have my ipod that I keep in my car for those long drives in traffic to and from work. I also have the nano that keeps its home in the bathroom. I love to listen to music while taking a shower or just getting ready for work or bed! . The shuffle is somewhere. I will have to go find it and charge it again before I use it. Other than those items, my tech gear has been condensed. I guess when the jobs change so to does the tech one uses.
I would like to get a desktop computer and have it at home. But I guess this computer I am using will do nicely. Not that I will be gaming on this machine. Just the everyday blogging and emailing. So I guess this will do its job.
Ok well I guess that is it for today.
I have also created two more blogs. The links are on the right side of this blog.
One is about my very own project. I want to see how long I can go WITHOUT cutting my hair.
The other blog I thought up was when D and I went to a restaurant and the food / service was bad. I wanted to make a blog about where we went to go eat, how we liked the food, service and everything else. This may be a single or co-operative effort on both our parts. We shall see.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Como se Dice??
Well, what is going on with me? Well from the last time we spoke, I am not sure if I specified what had happened at my other job? I was let go from my project management duties. It turned out that there was not a real need for me since business was slow. I knew that this was coming but I really didnt know it was going to happen. When it did happen, I wasnt mad. I understood what was going down. So after I was let go, I searched and searched for a new job. No openings. Some interviews but none that fanned out. Then my mom's friend who is the branch manager for one of the Wamu branches said that they were looking for tellers. My mother who is always looking out for me, to help me in any way possible, made an appointment for me to meet with her friend.
This was a Friday and she explained to me what the job was, how much it payed and what was going on. I gave her my resume and applied to be a teller. I went to an interview that following Tues. Met with 2 of the managers there. They seemed really nice.
They called me back and asked that I come in and sign some papers and be a shadow with other tellers. This was the start for my next career move as a Bank teller. After the week of shadowing, I was sent to training for two weeks. At the training facility they gave us the fluff knowledge, the background and the hypotheticals that could come about while being a teller. Happy I made new friends and eager to start my own career I was looking forward to my next week as a teller.
The first week was kind of crazy. I worked Monday, had Tues off, then worked from Wed through Sat. I shadowed for about a few hours that Monday, then they had to do some transactions. I was being watched over by the manager and then by senior teller. But at this branch, it gets busy rather quickly, so they both went off to help other tellers or customers. I was left on my own. There are 2 lines, 1 for direct deposit and 1 for all the other items. I was in the latter type of line. I was doing loan payments, closing accounts, withdrawals, transfers, and finally deposits. As hectic as Monday was, the rest of the week was no different. I found myself somewhat frustrated yet eager to learn more. I was always learning through those days. You could say that I am always learning. Today is the start of my 2nd week of tellering. Today was no exception. I kept putting money in wrong accounts, but good thing I knew what I was doing and I reversed and corrected my problems. Again, I am still learning the processes but it is getting better I hope. I still have to have my time of being watched and observed by a supervisor so that they can write down and tell me what I need to work on. I doubt this will happen soon since we are always so busy. Any who, that is my life up to date in regards to my career.
I havent been online lately and I apologize for that. Hopefully I can spit out my blogs as the days roll on. But for now, I am doing fine, tellering and working. Not much here on the working front.
This was a Friday and she explained to me what the job was, how much it payed and what was going on. I gave her my resume and applied to be a teller. I went to an interview that following Tues. Met with 2 of the managers there. They seemed really nice.
They called me back and asked that I come in and sign some papers and be a shadow with other tellers. This was the start for my next career move as a Bank teller. After the week of shadowing, I was sent to training for two weeks. At the training facility they gave us the fluff knowledge, the background and the hypotheticals that could come about while being a teller. Happy I made new friends and eager to start my own career I was looking forward to my next week as a teller.
The first week was kind of crazy. I worked Monday, had Tues off, then worked from Wed through Sat. I shadowed for about a few hours that Monday, then they had to do some transactions. I was being watched over by the manager and then by senior teller. But at this branch, it gets busy rather quickly, so they both went off to help other tellers or customers. I was left on my own. There are 2 lines, 1 for direct deposit and 1 for all the other items. I was in the latter type of line. I was doing loan payments, closing accounts, withdrawals, transfers, and finally deposits. As hectic as Monday was, the rest of the week was no different. I found myself somewhat frustrated yet eager to learn more. I was always learning through those days. You could say that I am always learning. Today is the start of my 2nd week of tellering. Today was no exception. I kept putting money in wrong accounts, but good thing I knew what I was doing and I reversed and corrected my problems. Again, I am still learning the processes but it is getting better I hope. I still have to have my time of being watched and observed by a supervisor so that they can write down and tell me what I need to work on. I doubt this will happen soon since we are always so busy. Any who, that is my life up to date in regards to my career.
I havent been online lately and I apologize for that. Hopefully I can spit out my blogs as the days roll on. But for now, I am doing fine, tellering and working. Not much here on the working front.
Monday, October 8, 2007
My weekend
This weekend was a great weekend. Well, first on sat I had to work, but that was ok. After work, D was supposed to come by and kick it with me. She came by, met my mom and we went over to my aunt's house to watch the fight. It was an ok fight. but what was really surprising was the fact that D got along with my family. Wow she is really cool. When she first met my mom on sat, my mom said to her, hi, welcome and make yourself at home. Wow that was the first time that I ever heard my mom sat that to any of the ladies I brought home, whether they were friends or gfs. That was crazy. Then on Sunday D, went to church with me. That was cool. I kind of explain some stuff to her. I hope she didn't feel uncomfortable. After that we were supposed to meet up with Melissa for lunch but that didnt happen. So we ended up going home, eating left over breakfast and taking a nap. We met Melissa for dinner. That was good. After dinner we came home and laid back on the bed and watch some tv. We watched CSI till we passed out!! haha. Today, we had a nice morning, woke up late and didnt really eat lunch until 1230. after that we chilled for a little bit watched more CSI then D went home. It is hard to spend time with her and just watch her leave. But I know that I will get to see her next weekend. I really care about her and I was glad that her and my family go together and had a great time! ok well thats all for now. I'll be back soon.
My Self Project
I haven't blogged in a while. I apologize for that. I have been up and about and doing some job where I can not get to the internet all the time.But that is for another blog.
Right now, This is about how long I can keep my hair on my head. For those that don't know, I usually get bored with my hair styles so I keep them long, cut them, shave them, dye them or whatever I can to make a change. Recently I shaved my head. I am going to see how long I can go without cutting, or shaving my head. So this is my project:
Goal: No cutting / shaving of my hair until Jan 2008.
Objective: No cutting / shaving of my hair started Oct 5.
( this is was the day I shaved my head)
Proof: I will try and post my results every month or every 2 months. via pictures.
Here I am: Oct 5, 2007

That is my project. Hopefully I can last until the new year!!
Right now, This is about how long I can keep my hair on my head. For those that don't know, I usually get bored with my hair styles so I keep them long, cut them, shave them, dye them or whatever I can to make a change. Recently I shaved my head. I am going to see how long I can go without cutting, or shaving my head. So this is my project:
Goal: No cutting / shaving of my hair until Jan 2008.
Objective: No cutting / shaving of my hair started Oct 5.
( this is was the day I shaved my head)
Proof: I will try and post my results every month or every 2 months. via pictures.
Here I am: Oct 5, 2007
That is my project. Hopefully I can last until the new year!!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Ok, so today I cleaned my room, and threw out 2 big trash bags filled of stuff from my room. This is to take away from the clutter that someone mentioned that I had a lot of. While taking a break from this, I was surfing my favorite gadget sites and was reading up on the iphone going ons....turns out they dropped the price by $200. I received a check from Melissa for the money I gave her to help with her shop. With that money I went and took the plunge and got the iPhone..ya ya ya..i know, i was bitching up and down about not getting one, getting one, not getting one..and so on, but I did it. I think I made the love of my life mad at me...since we havent talked at all this evening....great. I love f*cking sh*t....why do I do this to myself..I always do it...anywho, I am supposed to go see her tomorrow, but I am not sure. Like I said, I havent heard from her...blah...
Now some of you may ask, well why did you buy it...impulse..price drop..and the fact that I was offered a job and that I start on Monday. Sure it may not pay as much as I am used to...but I'll have money coming in. This is my last big purchase for a long ass time. I will focus on saving money and planning for the future. I just hope that my girl is still with me during that time. I really hope that something like this doesnt mean the end all be all thingy...lets pray it isnt...since I really care about her. The first thing I did after the iphone was synced up was place a picture of the two of us on the wall paper..then put a picture of her on her contact...I am not sure what will happen...blah...
Now some of you may ask, well why did you buy it...impulse..price drop..and the fact that I was offered a job and that I start on Monday. Sure it may not pay as much as I am used to...but I'll have money coming in. This is my last big purchase for a long ass time. I will focus on saving money and planning for the future. I just hope that my girl is still with me during that time. I really hope that something like this doesnt mean the end all be all thingy...lets pray it isnt...since I really care about her. The first thing I did after the iphone was synced up was place a picture of the two of us on the wall paper..then put a picture of her on her contact...I am not sure what will happen...blah...
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Still here...
Well I am still here alive and kicking. I know that it has been awhile since I have written. A lot has been going on. My relationship to Miss D is going swimmingly. Since I last wrote, we have been to SF, LV, and Riverside together. haha Yah, I know riverside is not that far away, but if you have ever driven there....then you know the pain. Stupid 2 lanes of traffic with 1 carpool lane. I am still looking for a job. Yup, it is that time of the year where no one will answer my emails or calls...I have to search for more jobs or to re-evaluate my work life. I am sitting on money that has been set aside for other things. I have sent in phones for money so that is good. I won't get the money till the end of Sept or beginning of Oct but its all good. Hopefully things will get better from here on out. I am waiting on a job from Wamu...yah, I know its not that big of a jump..but it is a start. I'll have to work there for a year, then I'll be put in a management training program. From there I can move to other locations of the branch. So hopefully things will pan out for me there. If not, or while I am waiting to see whats going on, I have been hitting the internet running, looking for jobs or what not. If anyone reads this and knows of a job opening let me know. I'll buy you dinner or something after I get paid.
I have been neglecting my friends for a while. Not that I am intentionally doing that, it is just that I am lazy and things dont work out the way it should. I hope to one day get my structure back and be on top of things. Right now, D has suggested that I make my own structure. So I will try and do that. For her, but mostly for me. She has been a great supporter and a strong solid rock. I love her for that. She is kind and understanding. How the crap did I get so lucky in finding a girl like this? Man...Thank you!!!
Ok well I am kind of tired so I will be heading off to bed. Hopefully I will have more stuff to write about. Good night and good luck. Take care all.
I have been neglecting my friends for a while. Not that I am intentionally doing that, it is just that I am lazy and things dont work out the way it should. I hope to one day get my structure back and be on top of things. Right now, D has suggested that I make my own structure. So I will try and do that. For her, but mostly for me. She has been a great supporter and a strong solid rock. I love her for that. She is kind and understanding. How the crap did I get so lucky in finding a girl like this? Man...Thank you!!!
Ok well I am kind of tired so I will be heading off to bed. Hopefully I will have more stuff to write about. Good night and good luck. Take care all.
Monday, August 20, 2007
I'm still alive!
its been awhile since i posted on this blog. a lot of stuff has been going on. i will post more things later. i just wanted to say that i am doing well as well can be. i have wonderful family and friends that support me and this tremendous girl friend that i love and adore. she literally is my everything and i dont know how my life could get any better. plus she is only an hour away. ill be back later with more details. one love
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Today is a better day
I can tell that today is going to be a better day. Why you may ask? Because of the way I feel. Yesterday I was stressed and had a sense of hopelessness. I don't know what the future holds for me but I know that eventually I will get through it. I have a family that even though at times gives me a hard time for my actions, I know they want me to succeed and they will do anything to help support me. My Friends..holy crap. I love them all. When I told them about my job situation they went and started to call contacts and looked for job openings for me. All of them are really helping me out. I can not express how much you guys mean to me. They helped me the last time I was looking for a job also. You know who your friends are by the little things they do for you..and I hope they know that I would lay down my life for each and every one of them. That is how loyal I am to them. This includes my girlfriend. She has supported me and been there for me just like all my other friends.
As for other things going on, I am just going with the flow. I have to do what I have to do. I have decided that I can not be too picky about the type of jobs that I get offered. I know that eventually I will find the right job for me. I just do not know what that is yet. I am still going to get my cert for PM so that should help. I have to focus on what I want to do in my life. First I have to get rid of my excess stuff that I do not need and get money for that. I have to try and horde my money until something comes up.
It looks like my weekends will be full of traveling and what not. I guess this is something that I wanted to do but never had a reason to do them. Now, with the girl, she has all these things going on, trips to SF and LV and other things. I guess this is what Life is all about. Going out. Seeing the sites. Having fun. It would be great if I had a job to fall back on. But I know, God willing, that something will come up.
I guess I wanted to write stuff that doesn't involve me looking for a job, but I know that this issue is prevalent in my life at the moment. This is the obstacle that I have to climb. One of many put forth in my life. I have climbed bigger hills with much more at stake. I'll get through it because that is who I am. PAIN IS LIFE....So Be it.
As for other things going on, I am just going with the flow. I have to do what I have to do. I have decided that I can not be too picky about the type of jobs that I get offered. I know that eventually I will find the right job for me. I just do not know what that is yet. I am still going to get my cert for PM so that should help. I have to focus on what I want to do in my life. First I have to get rid of my excess stuff that I do not need and get money for that. I have to try and horde my money until something comes up.
It looks like my weekends will be full of traveling and what not. I guess this is something that I wanted to do but never had a reason to do them. Now, with the girl, she has all these things going on, trips to SF and LV and other things. I guess this is what Life is all about. Going out. Seeing the sites. Having fun. It would be great if I had a job to fall back on. But I know, God willing, that something will come up.
I guess I wanted to write stuff that doesn't involve me looking for a job, but I know that this issue is prevalent in my life at the moment. This is the obstacle that I have to climb. One of many put forth in my life. I have climbed bigger hills with much more at stake. I'll get through it because that is who I am. PAIN IS LIFE....So Be it.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Not Sure What 2 Do
A little over 2 more weeks here at my current job before I am let loose to run a mock in the streets of LA. But what am I going to do? I really do not know. I have friends who are helping me search for jobs and I love the help. But lets face it. My skill sets arent that impressive and the lack of jobs with my skills sets are lacking. I am getting frustrated and scared. I have been down this road before but I really do not want to go down this road again. I have applied and sent out resumes to all these places. Not a lot of call backs, if any. I think I am losing hope. I want to have a career where I can make money to support myself and do the things I want to do but to also support or at least have fun with my girl without worrying about money. If I could just win the lottery or have someone just give me some money that would be great. I feel like I am not man enough to be with D just because of my current situation. She deserves a lot and I want to provide that for her...but I do not know how...blah Please let me find a good paying job and have this burden lifted from my shoulders....
Monday, July 23, 2007
Well Hell.....and other Junk
Well I finally had a talk with my boss. We talked about my last day and how far they can afford to keep me on. So my last day for anyone who is ready this is Aug 10th. Which is a Friday. I have a good 2 weeks or so left for me to collect money for work, and finally turn in on those coins that I have been organizing and selling all those phones that I have in my drawer. Why? Well so that I can have some money coming in for the month of August. I have been sending out resumes for positions that I am suited for. Location wise, I was sending most of them out to the OC area. I wanted to move down there and room with Marc and also to be closer to my gf. But after a talk with the lady last night we decided or she helped me get some perspective, that I should look for something closer to my home first. I am staying at home so I don't have to pay rent. This way, I can save enough money to get a place out there. Or at least wait until Marc get his new place. Then maybe find a good job out there, save some money and move to my own place. But this is still a long ways away. I created a budget for myself but I haven't used it yet. I had some loose ends to tie up first. I actually still just have 1 more lose end and then I can finally start budgeting myself. Too bad the job is ending and I wont have money to budget. This is where the sending in of cell phones and the turning in of my coinage comes to play. I'll have some money to kick around for the latter parts of Aug and maybe the begining of Sept.
On a lighter side, this weekend was crazy fun. Sat I woke up early and went to visit my girl at her recycling gig. She is helping the enviroment while helping her non profit. Thats hella cool. Also, it allowed me to finally get rid of a monitor that my mom wanted to get rid of for a while. Once I got there I dropped off the monitor and was waiting for her to get done. The original plan was to pick her up, go have lunch with her friends and then go to Irvine to get the room. Well, it turned out she had to stay and help. She called off the lunch and I, not having a place to go, decided to stay and help her out. I was moving monitors and computers just like I used to do at LMU. That was fun. Who knew moving computers would be so enjoyable. But it was. I kicked it with my girl and met her brother and her "boyz." But wait..there's more. There was a line of cars waiting to drop off some equipment so I was trying to get D to come with me because she was filling out the clients info. Well she was standing there with an older couple. I left to go unload the truck and when I came back she quietly told me that those were her parents. So, calming myself down, she moved to them so that she can introduce them to me. I took off my sunglasses and shook both of their hands. I stayed by them for a little bit and they were talking. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. They left and we said our good byes. So this was number 1 meeting with parents..haha
I rented a hotel room for Sat night just because I didn't want to drive home at night so late. Last time I did that I was falling asleep. After the drive, her and I went to go check into the hotel. It was pretty cool. A nice king size bed with free cookies. We chilled and talked and rested. It was very enjoyable. After that we had to get ready to go out because Marc and Flo had a dinner for their birthday in Santa Monica. The dinner was fun. I had a great time. She met most of my friends that evening. It was an enjoyable experience especially since D was with me. I usually go by myself to these things, but going with someone is WAAAAAYYY better!! haha After dinner we headed back to the hotel where we crashed for the night.
Sunday it felt good waking up next to her. Someone to kick you in the butt to wake you up! haha j/k. But it was nice. I guess I fell back to sleep because the last thing I remember was her getting out of bed going to the bathroom. When I woke up She was sitting up watching tv, with a Starbucks coffee in her hand. I was like.."WTF!!" to myself. How long have I been out!! haha But it was hella nice. She bought me a cup of coffee too. How many guys can say that their girl got up, and went and brought back coffee for herself and for her guy. I have always been an advocate for the little things..and let me tell you. This was very significant to me. Since no one has ever done something like that for me. I think I like her even more now!!
Once the blood was flowing we got packed and headed out. We were going to the OC Fair. We met up with my sister and her family and gave them the tickets that D bought. Man she is hella cool. After that we went to visit her friend because he had gotten us some ride tickets. Once we got there we ate lunch and ran into my sister. We kicked it with her for a while, then we ventured off on our own. We took some cute Black and white photos from a photobooth. Then we walked around and met up with marc and flo. We chilled with them for the rest of the day. It was fun. Especially since I wasn't alone. It is a good feeling to go to a park or public place with someone you truly care about. And I truly care about D. She means the world to me. I really can't wait to bring her into the fold, that is my life!
After the fair we sat in my car and talked. We took pictures and talked some more. Then I slowly made my way to her place. Kissed her good night and watched her walk to her house. I miss her. And I miss her more since we spent a whole weekend together. Imaging if we some how went on vacation and spent more than 5 days with each other. That would be killer. To spend as much time as we did, then go back to not seeing them for a few days and seeing them on the weekend. But as long as I get to see her its all good. I can honestly say she is the one and I could totally see myself spending the rest of my life with her...but we shall see. We'll be taking it slow.
As for today, Its monday. I updated my myspace with pics. Yes I am showing her off!! So sue me!! Other than that, it was sending out resumes one after another. Well my parents do not know of what has transpired last week in regards to my job. Today will be the first time I will see them, so wish me luck. I will be telling them tonight!! Scared!!
On a lighter side, this weekend was crazy fun. Sat I woke up early and went to visit my girl at her recycling gig. She is helping the enviroment while helping her non profit. Thats hella cool. Also, it allowed me to finally get rid of a monitor that my mom wanted to get rid of for a while. Once I got there I dropped off the monitor and was waiting for her to get done. The original plan was to pick her up, go have lunch with her friends and then go to Irvine to get the room. Well, it turned out she had to stay and help. She called off the lunch and I, not having a place to go, decided to stay and help her out. I was moving monitors and computers just like I used to do at LMU. That was fun. Who knew moving computers would be so enjoyable. But it was. I kicked it with my girl and met her brother and her "boyz." But wait..there's more. There was a line of cars waiting to drop off some equipment so I was trying to get D to come with me because she was filling out the clients info. Well she was standing there with an older couple. I left to go unload the truck and when I came back she quietly told me that those were her parents. So, calming myself down, she moved to them so that she can introduce them to me. I took off my sunglasses and shook both of their hands. I stayed by them for a little bit and they were talking. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. They left and we said our good byes. So this was number 1 meeting with parents..haha
I rented a hotel room for Sat night just because I didn't want to drive home at night so late. Last time I did that I was falling asleep. After the drive, her and I went to go check into the hotel. It was pretty cool. A nice king size bed with free cookies. We chilled and talked and rested. It was very enjoyable. After that we had to get ready to go out because Marc and Flo had a dinner for their birthday in Santa Monica. The dinner was fun. I had a great time. She met most of my friends that evening. It was an enjoyable experience especially since D was with me. I usually go by myself to these things, but going with someone is WAAAAAYYY better!! haha After dinner we headed back to the hotel where we crashed for the night.
Sunday it felt good waking up next to her. Someone to kick you in the butt to wake you up! haha j/k. But it was nice. I guess I fell back to sleep because the last thing I remember was her getting out of bed going to the bathroom. When I woke up She was sitting up watching tv, with a Starbucks coffee in her hand. I was like.."WTF!!" to myself. How long have I been out!! haha But it was hella nice. She bought me a cup of coffee too. How many guys can say that their girl got up, and went and brought back coffee for herself and for her guy. I have always been an advocate for the little things..and let me tell you. This was very significant to me. Since no one has ever done something like that for me. I think I like her even more now!!
Once the blood was flowing we got packed and headed out. We were going to the OC Fair. We met up with my sister and her family and gave them the tickets that D bought. Man she is hella cool. After that we went to visit her friend because he had gotten us some ride tickets. Once we got there we ate lunch and ran into my sister. We kicked it with her for a while, then we ventured off on our own. We took some cute Black and white photos from a photobooth. Then we walked around and met up with marc and flo. We chilled with them for the rest of the day. It was fun. Especially since I wasn't alone. It is a good feeling to go to a park or public place with someone you truly care about. And I truly care about D. She means the world to me. I really can't wait to bring her into the fold, that is my life!
After the fair we sat in my car and talked. We took pictures and talked some more. Then I slowly made my way to her place. Kissed her good night and watched her walk to her house. I miss her. And I miss her more since we spent a whole weekend together. Imaging if we some how went on vacation and spent more than 5 days with each other. That would be killer. To spend as much time as we did, then go back to not seeing them for a few days and seeing them on the weekend. But as long as I get to see her its all good. I can honestly say she is the one and I could totally see myself spending the rest of my life with her...but we shall see. We'll be taking it slow.
As for today, Its monday. I updated my myspace with pics. Yes I am showing her off!! So sue me!! Other than that, it was sending out resumes one after another. Well my parents do not know of what has transpired last week in regards to my job. Today will be the first time I will see them, so wish me luck. I will be telling them tonight!! Scared!!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
What a Week and its not Friday yet!!
So where do I begin. It is not even Friday and this week has been hella hectic. Monday was ok, just your average typical day. Tues was going well also. Thought, "Yup just another day here at work." Boy was I in for a surprise. That afternoon, the boss comes into my office. Asks if we could talk. I said sure, so he goes and closes the door. I am is going on. So he sits down and tells me why he opened this position in the first place. He said that he calculated a lot of administrative / project tasks that were going to be piling up at the office. So he hires me to take care of these items. However, the tasks / items never come and I usually just sit at my desk, field 1 phone call a day and reply to some emails that come my way. Other than that, I was just sitting on my butt doing nothing. The boss realizes this said that the he has realized that his estimation of the work flow was miscalculated and that in essence he was paying me to do nothing. In that sense he was correct. So he kindly let me know that he would be releasing me from my position. There has not been a set date yet, but I am assuming the date will come sooner than later. He let me know that I was free to use the computer to send out resumes and look for jobs. So that is what I have been doing this week.
Wed after applying to several jobs online, I decided that I really needed a break from this madness that was going on in my head. So I asked the boss if I could go visit my recruiter and take a half day. He said yes, so I drove down to Irvine. There I met up with marc and flo and had some jamba juice with them. I kicked it with them for a little bit, but my main purpose for my trip was to visit the girl I am talking to. So I know the address of her work, mapquested it from Marc's computer and began my journey. Well, the map was wrong, I got lost, and frustrated and finally found my bearings after a few mins. Well I got there in time before she left for home. I went to one window and asked for the Student accounts area. The lady pointed me in the direction but before I left to go see her, who should pop out of some office and call my name? No other than the girl I was talking to. She asked me what I was doing here. Told her I was here to surprise her..but I guess that didn't work since she saw me! haha. Next time I'll know where to go!! From there, I met one of her best friends, then she showed me around her work area where I was met by a majority of her friends. COOL!! Surprise her and meet almost all of her friends. Killed 5 birds with one Visit!! YAY!! She walked me around her campus and showed me her life inside of work.
Once she got out of work, we drove our cars to her place to drop off her car and we just cruised down her area. We were supposed to meet up with Marc and Flo after he got off of work so we had some time to chill. She directed me to a nice park that had a pond and ducks swimming about. We found a graffiti ed rock and I sat down followed by her. We just stayed there, talking, holding her with my arms. I treasured that moment. Then we had to stand up, mainly myself because that rock made my butt numb!! haha So as we were standing together my arms wrapped around her body, I whispered in her ear, will you be my girl friend. She thought for a few seconds and said Ok. So I hope she meant yes!! haha So ya, It is official we are now a couple! YAY!! After some quick kisses and hugs, we went back to the car and headed to the restaurant to meet up with Flo and Marc. When we got there they hit it off really well. We were talking and laughing. I believe it was good times for all. After dinner we parted ways and my girl and I just parked our car and talked for a while. Man I love being with her. She makes me happy. After I drove her to her car, I followed her home and watched her go into the house. From there, I drove home. I felt ok on the way home, but I guess I was kind of tired so I found myself kind of dozing off while on the freeway. Thank goodness I got home safely. Next time, I will be drinking an energy drink.
On the way home, my friend called me. She told me her dad had passed away. I hope I was there for her when she needed me. I knew her father. He was a good man with a good heart. He will be missed greatly.
So that is what has happened this week all before Friday. Today, I spent the day sending out emails with my resumes to potential employers. So hopefully they will call back. Actually one person has called back but we are playing phone tag. She said she has a position in Purchasing and Product Management. So thats good. Hopefully we can hook up today. As for lunch, we are waiting to go out. We just need the prospective developer to leave...and there she goes!! hehe Going to lunch!!
Ok well I am back from lunch. Looks like D, thats my girl!!, took the rest of the day off to study. Good luck hun!!
As for me, I guess I better start looking for some more jobs. Man I need to get a new job. I guess my end of days is coming sooner than expected.
Wed after applying to several jobs online, I decided that I really needed a break from this madness that was going on in my head. So I asked the boss if I could go visit my recruiter and take a half day. He said yes, so I drove down to Irvine. There I met up with marc and flo and had some jamba juice with them. I kicked it with them for a little bit, but my main purpose for my trip was to visit the girl I am talking to. So I know the address of her work, mapquested it from Marc's computer and began my journey. Well, the map was wrong, I got lost, and frustrated and finally found my bearings after a few mins. Well I got there in time before she left for home. I went to one window and asked for the Student accounts area. The lady pointed me in the direction but before I left to go see her, who should pop out of some office and call my name? No other than the girl I was talking to. She asked me what I was doing here. Told her I was here to surprise her..but I guess that didn't work since she saw me! haha. Next time I'll know where to go!! From there, I met one of her best friends, then she showed me around her work area where I was met by a majority of her friends. COOL!! Surprise her and meet almost all of her friends. Killed 5 birds with one Visit!! YAY!! She walked me around her campus and showed me her life inside of work.
Once she got out of work, we drove our cars to her place to drop off her car and we just cruised down her area. We were supposed to meet up with Marc and Flo after he got off of work so we had some time to chill. She directed me to a nice park that had a pond and ducks swimming about. We found a graffiti ed rock and I sat down followed by her. We just stayed there, talking, holding her with my arms. I treasured that moment. Then we had to stand up, mainly myself because that rock made my butt numb!! haha So as we were standing together my arms wrapped around her body, I whispered in her ear, will you be my girl friend. She thought for a few seconds and said Ok. So I hope she meant yes!! haha So ya, It is official we are now a couple! YAY!! After some quick kisses and hugs, we went back to the car and headed to the restaurant to meet up with Flo and Marc. When we got there they hit it off really well. We were talking and laughing. I believe it was good times for all. After dinner we parted ways and my girl and I just parked our car and talked for a while. Man I love being with her. She makes me happy. After I drove her to her car, I followed her home and watched her go into the house. From there, I drove home. I felt ok on the way home, but I guess I was kind of tired so I found myself kind of dozing off while on the freeway. Thank goodness I got home safely. Next time, I will be drinking an energy drink.
On the way home, my friend called me. She told me her dad had passed away. I hope I was there for her when she needed me. I knew her father. He was a good man with a good heart. He will be missed greatly.
So that is what has happened this week all before Friday. Today, I spent the day sending out emails with my resumes to potential employers. So hopefully they will call back. Actually one person has called back but we are playing phone tag. She said she has a position in Purchasing and Product Management. So thats good. Hopefully we can hook up today. As for lunch, we are waiting to go out. We just need the prospective developer to leave...and there she goes!! hehe Going to lunch!!
Ok well I am back from lunch. Looks like D, thats my girl!!, took the rest of the day off to study. Good luck hun!!
As for me, I guess I better start looking for some more jobs. Man I need to get a new job. I guess my end of days is coming sooner than expected.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Another day......
So today is Tues and it is just another day. haha. The weekend well that was kind of crazy. The viewing for my uncle was Friday and we got to see a lot of relatives we usually dont get to see. Sat was the funeral. I was one of his pall bearers and I also read one of the readings. From what I saw, there wasn't a lot of crying. The Priest actually gave a good sermon. He asked us what road we were on and where we are going in this life. Do we take the time out to be negative and yell at our neighbors or do we take the higher road and walk alongside our enemies? It was really good. The priest was a good friend of my uncle's so after we processed out of the chapel, he gave my uncle a final blessing and a good bye. This is where the priest became teary eyed and was unable to speak. He was giving the crucifix that was on the coffin to my aunt and he started to cry. Thus in turn made those around him start to cry. I couldn't bare to see this so I put my head down. All you could hear was the sniffling of those crying. Don't get me wrong, I am not being insensitive. I did get teary eyed. I just had to be strong for all those around me. After the funeral, there was a reception at a Chinese buffet. We attended that and ate and laughed and chilled with our relatives. Sunday we had another get together. This time at my sister's house. Again those relatives we saw this weekend showed up that day. We had more food, we played mah joung and Poker. Something my uncle would love to do. My uncle was dealing with Parkinsons Disease but that never stopped him from going about his day. There was this one time where we all played poker and he joined us. With the disease he usually shakes but this day while playing, he was fine. Those were the good old days.
My relationship with the girl I am seeing is getting better, not that it was wrong choice of words. It is progressing nicely..She is so caring and loving and wants to spend time with me..haha Who would have guessed I would find a girl that would want to spend time with me! But its all good because I want to spend time with her. She is everything. Everything that you could ever want in a girl. So yah, we are going to go Kick it this Sat. Going to have lunch with her friend, (meeting 1 of her friends scarry) but we are going to dinner for Marc and Flo's bday so she may be scared too. But I'll protect her!! and make her feel like she is one of the friends..since she will be!! haha
My relationship with the girl I am seeing is getting better, not that it was wrong choice of words. It is progressing nicely..She is so caring and loving and wants to spend time with me..haha Who would have guessed I would find a girl that would want to spend time with me! But its all good because I want to spend time with her. She is everything. Everything that you could ever want in a girl. So yah, we are going to go Kick it this Sat. Going to have lunch with her friend, (meeting 1 of her friends scarry) but we are going to dinner for Marc and Flo's bday so she may be scared too. But I'll protect her!! and make her feel like she is one of the friends..since she will be!! haha
Monday, July 16, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Surf Naked
Well I am here till about 6pm today making up an hour that I didn't work yesterday as I took it off to visit my very beautiful female friend. Any who, I was perusing the net for a rash guard or something so that I can wear it when I go swimming. Its pretty cool. This way I can go swimming without the fear of getting sunburn. Any way, I got two of these items plus a cool trucker hat that says, SURF NAKED!! though I do not know how to surf, it just felt right you know?
In regards to that very beautiful female friend, I am liking her every time I see her and talk with her. I don't want to alarm anyone, but she could be the one..haha But that is for us to see in the future. I don't want to rush into things. So wish me luck. Ok 20 mins left. Going to surf naked on the web!! ONE!!
In regards to that very beautiful female friend, I am liking her every time I see her and talk with her. I don't want to alarm anyone, but she could be the one..haha But that is for us to see in the future. I don't want to rush into things. So wish me luck. Ok 20 mins left. Going to surf naked on the web!! ONE!!
Ok Well I guess I will post again. Like it is a chore for me to post a blog. I love posting it is just a matter of overcoming my laziness. So, what has been going on? Well let me break it down:
This Friday is the viewing for my godfather/uncle. Attending: Yes.
This Sat is the actual funeral for my godfather/uncle. Attending: Yes.
This Sun is a family gathering at my sister's house for those who flew in for the wedding. Attending: Yes.
So my weekend is kind of full. Family stuff. You know its weird that certain events bring families closer together or at least in the same house. Don't get me wrong, my family and extended family are all well family. There is no feuding or anyone not liking another person. It is just weird to see all of my family when certain days come. I.E. Holidays and unfortunately a funeral. But it will be nice to see the family again, even under the circumstances. So we'll see how it goes.
The date on last Sat that went into the early mornings of Sun went fairly well. We had a 3rd date this past Wed. I drove to her place and we went to go see Harry Potter. For the life of me I do not understand what the hell just happened in that movie. So if someone can give me some cliff notes that would be great. In regards my date, OMFGoodness. hehe. She takes my breathe away. I have fallen for girls in the past, but this one is hella different. I see it in her eyes and the way her and I tend to gravitate to each other. I am falling hard for this one. I know I said I have to take it one day at a time and take it slow, but man, I just want to be with her everyday. We talk in some form or another every day. I just can not get enough of her. Any ways, last night was good. Dinner in my car, then a movie then a drive through Newport beach and hung out and talked. We always have a good time when we talk. We went to Luccille's for dinner thinking it was going to be a quick in and out meal. Nope. The place was packed!! So we decided to order to go. We waited and got our food. The movie started at 940pm and we got our food at about 840 maybe? With no places to eat, we drove to the AMC parking lot, parked, and just ate in the car. It is things like this that make me happy. Small, intimate, yet no room for eating food, no one could ask for a better dinner! Ok this morning it may have been the 2 hours of sleep that I received or the fact that I can not stop thinking about this girl. Well this morning I was overly happy and energetic. Not even slow drivers or people cutting me off got me down. I was happy as a clam as they say. I would just look at the passenger seat of my car and just smile or bust out laughing. She makes me happy. And I hope that I make her happy also.
HAPPY NAKED THURSDAY!!! WOOHOO!! Though there are no nude people around, that is ok. we can just image!! haha
This Friday is the viewing for my godfather/uncle. Attending: Yes.
This Sat is the actual funeral for my godfather/uncle. Attending: Yes.
This Sun is a family gathering at my sister's house for those who flew in for the wedding. Attending: Yes.
So my weekend is kind of full. Family stuff. You know its weird that certain events bring families closer together or at least in the same house. Don't get me wrong, my family and extended family are all well family. There is no feuding or anyone not liking another person. It is just weird to see all of my family when certain days come. I.E. Holidays and unfortunately a funeral. But it will be nice to see the family again, even under the circumstances. So we'll see how it goes.
The date on last Sat that went into the early mornings of Sun went fairly well. We had a 3rd date this past Wed. I drove to her place and we went to go see Harry Potter. For the life of me I do not understand what the hell just happened in that movie. So if someone can give me some cliff notes that would be great. In regards my date, OMFGoodness. hehe. She takes my breathe away. I have fallen for girls in the past, but this one is hella different. I see it in her eyes and the way her and I tend to gravitate to each other. I am falling hard for this one. I know I said I have to take it one day at a time and take it slow, but man, I just want to be with her everyday. We talk in some form or another every day. I just can not get enough of her. Any ways, last night was good. Dinner in my car, then a movie then a drive through Newport beach and hung out and talked. We always have a good time when we talk. We went to Luccille's for dinner thinking it was going to be a quick in and out meal. Nope. The place was packed!! So we decided to order to go. We waited and got our food. The movie started at 940pm and we got our food at about 840 maybe? With no places to eat, we drove to the AMC parking lot, parked, and just ate in the car. It is things like this that make me happy. Small, intimate, yet no room for eating food, no one could ask for a better dinner! Ok this morning it may have been the 2 hours of sleep that I received or the fact that I can not stop thinking about this girl. Well this morning I was overly happy and energetic. Not even slow drivers or people cutting me off got me down. I was happy as a clam as they say. I would just look at the passenger seat of my car and just smile or bust out laughing. She makes me happy. And I hope that I make her happy also.
HAPPY NAKED THURSDAY!!! WOOHOO!! Though there are no nude people around, that is ok. we can just image!! haha
Monday, July 9, 2007
Another Monday
Well I should have written this earlier but I was busy trying to edit text from a client's website. The back end changes are done, but I guess I do not have access to the ftp site for the website itself. So I am waiting for some answers from the client and our developer. So that took up some of my morning, plus I left kind of early to pick up my 2 nephews from camp. That middle nephew has a attitude like me when I was little. He was pouting again because I picked him up early and didn't take them to lunch. Maybe one day I'll surprise them and take them to lunch. I see a lot of me in him..its hella crazy.
The weekend was ok. If you read the last entry you know that my godfather/uncle passed away last Thursday. Well we, my family, went to my aunt's house on Friday to visit her. She is doing well but I guess she is in denial right now. She said she is mad at him for leaving because they agreed to not leave each other or if they did, they would go together. So to get back at him, she is going to do things that he wanted to do but never got a chance to do it. I think it is sweet but kind of sad at the same time. I really hope she can cope with this. She has a lot of family and friends that can support her. One of my aunts and a grandmother came down from Oregon on Friday to be with her. Also my aunt from Virginia is flying down here Thursday. It looks like there will be a funeral service this Sat. But his body may not be there. He passed away on the way to the hospital or right at the emergency room. However, since he wasn't at the hospital at the time he felt ill, the coroner has to do an autopsy before the body is released. Just like in CSI. We shall see then.
On Sat was my big date. We had a good time or some I was told. I took her to the Irvine spectrum for a movie, dinner and some laughs. It turned out to be a good date. I think I am falling for her hard core now, but again, I don't want to let her know since I don't want to scare her off. But taking this slow is crazy too. Meeting her in person just completed what I have known for a while after talking to her. She is hella cool and I really wouldn't mind staying with her for a long ass time. Again, time will tell. One reason why I know I am falling for her hard core, I keep thinking about her all the time and want to be with her. AHH!! It is mind consuming!! haha But in a good way.
Sunday, I didnt get home till about 5am from the date on Sat. Woke up at 9, went to go visit my friend at her store. Had her do some reike on my for my shoulders. Then went home and went swimming with my nephews. They left early around 5pm or so. After they left, I laid down on my nice bed and watched tv. I talked to the girl I am talking to, for a little bit before she had to go and drive. After we talked, I woke up at I completely missed the afternoon. I guess I was really tired.haha. But all in all, the lack of sleep or the tiredness that I feel was worth it and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
That was my weekend. I know there is more to say about other things but right now, I can not for the life of me focus on typing any more. Maybe tomorrow I'll post more.
The weekend was ok. If you read the last entry you know that my godfather/uncle passed away last Thursday. Well we, my family, went to my aunt's house on Friday to visit her. She is doing well but I guess she is in denial right now. She said she is mad at him for leaving because they agreed to not leave each other or if they did, they would go together. So to get back at him, she is going to do things that he wanted to do but never got a chance to do it. I think it is sweet but kind of sad at the same time. I really hope she can cope with this. She has a lot of family and friends that can support her. One of my aunts and a grandmother came down from Oregon on Friday to be with her. Also my aunt from Virginia is flying down here Thursday. It looks like there will be a funeral service this Sat. But his body may not be there. He passed away on the way to the hospital or right at the emergency room. However, since he wasn't at the hospital at the time he felt ill, the coroner has to do an autopsy before the body is released. Just like in CSI. We shall see then.
On Sat was my big date. We had a good time or some I was told. I took her to the Irvine spectrum for a movie, dinner and some laughs. It turned out to be a good date. I think I am falling for her hard core now, but again, I don't want to let her know since I don't want to scare her off. But taking this slow is crazy too. Meeting her in person just completed what I have known for a while after talking to her. She is hella cool and I really wouldn't mind staying with her for a long ass time. Again, time will tell. One reason why I know I am falling for her hard core, I keep thinking about her all the time and want to be with her. AHH!! It is mind consuming!! haha But in a good way.
Sunday, I didnt get home till about 5am from the date on Sat. Woke up at 9, went to go visit my friend at her store. Had her do some reike on my for my shoulders. Then went home and went swimming with my nephews. They left early around 5pm or so. After they left, I laid down on my nice bed and watched tv. I talked to the girl I am talking to, for a little bit before she had to go and drive. After we talked, I woke up at I completely missed the afternoon. I guess I was really tired.haha. But all in all, the lack of sleep or the tiredness that I feel was worth it and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
That was my weekend. I know there is more to say about other things but right now, I can not for the life of me focus on typing any more. Maybe tomorrow I'll post more.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Well the big day for me is tomorrow, meeting the girl that I have been talking to for a while now. I am not nervous, I just hope that I can bring the good stuff.hah whatever that means. We have been talking for about 2-3 weeks now, and in that time we have learned a lot about each other. I feel that with all this talking it makes us comfortable when we meet. So when we meet it will just be a formality. I can now have a real face to go with that beautiful voice of hers.
Today is not all about getting things ready for the big date..haha. It has been somewhat over shadowed by the fact that I found out my god father passed away. I am not sure when, but I got a call from my sister this morning tell me that he passed away. It is kind of odd, since I saw him this Sat at my aunt's house. I shook his hand and told him how good he looked. He had Parkinson's disease but on Sat he was shaking like he normally was. Hence the, "you look good" statement. I can always remember the time when our birthdays would come up. Uncle Terry, my godfather/uncle, my cousin Chris and I had birthdays close together in Jan. So the whole family would come over to our house and we would have 3 separate cakes for each of us. Those were back in the days when I was younger. Now we are so dang busy that it is hard for us to see each other anymore. Last Sat was the first time I had seen him since Christmas. And my cousin Chris, who is out in the gulf somewhere, i havent seen him since 2 summers ago. It is hard for me to believe that he has passed away. Is that a bad thing? If i sit back and reminisce about our lives it is only when I was a younger boy that I remember seeing all my family together. They had this dog named baby, and every summer, baby, the dog, would have a birthday party and invite all the family and our dogs. It was a dog party!! haha they had steak and cake. It was fun times. When I was over at school, they lived about 15 to 20 mins away and they asked me to visit or stop by. You, I never did stop by. I wish I had. So today I will be silent and mourn and try and find other memories of my uncle. RIP Uncle Terry!!!
Today is not all about getting things ready for the big date..haha. It has been somewhat over shadowed by the fact that I found out my god father passed away. I am not sure when, but I got a call from my sister this morning tell me that he passed away. It is kind of odd, since I saw him this Sat at my aunt's house. I shook his hand and told him how good he looked. He had Parkinson's disease but on Sat he was shaking like he normally was. Hence the, "you look good" statement. I can always remember the time when our birthdays would come up. Uncle Terry, my godfather/uncle, my cousin Chris and I had birthdays close together in Jan. So the whole family would come over to our house and we would have 3 separate cakes for each of us. Those were back in the days when I was younger. Now we are so dang busy that it is hard for us to see each other anymore. Last Sat was the first time I had seen him since Christmas. And my cousin Chris, who is out in the gulf somewhere, i havent seen him since 2 summers ago. It is hard for me to believe that he has passed away. Is that a bad thing? If i sit back and reminisce about our lives it is only when I was a younger boy that I remember seeing all my family together. They had this dog named baby, and every summer, baby, the dog, would have a birthday party and invite all the family and our dogs. It was a dog party!! haha they had steak and cake. It was fun times. When I was over at school, they lived about 15 to 20 mins away and they asked me to visit or stop by. You, I never did stop by. I wish I had. So today I will be silent and mourn and try and find other memories of my uncle. RIP Uncle Terry!!!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
New Perspective Tat
This will be similar to the tattoo that I want to get on my left arm, below my name in chinese.

It is kind of like the one of the left, but the points on each of the cross will be more of a diamond shape. Just a basic drawing will do. So that will be after the summer since you cant go swimming with a fresh or new tat. yay!!

It is kind of like the one of the left, but the points on each of the cross will be more of a diamond shape. Just a basic drawing will do. So that will be after the summer since you cant go swimming with a fresh or new tat. yay!!
Happy 4th....
Happy forth of July everyone, even though today is only the 3rd. haha. I really dont ever remember the 4th of July landing on the weekday. And you know why? I think it was because when I was in school, we would have summers off so all the days just ran into each other. Now that I am working, I am very conscious of my days off. Isnt that sad though? You work so hard yet you look forward to the weekend or the holidays that we get off. I guess that is because I am at a job that is a job. Not unlike a job where you really love what you are doing. Does that make sense? I think it make sense to me but I dont know any more. Ok I'm blabbering. I really don't have a lot to say.
I am still talking to that girl mentioned in the past posts. We are hitting it off well over the phone. She is on vacation now in Hawaii. Lucky her. She comes back this Thurs and I am taking her out on a date this Sat. I am not nervous, but the more I think about it, the more I get nervous. I know I shouldn't since we have been talking for a while. It feels, at least for me, that we are old friends reuniting again. I guess talking on the phone everyday or so makes one feel comfortable around one another. There is no, "what should I say" dialogs running through my head. That in itself is comforting. We can just sit and be with each other not saying a word. So that should be fun. Wish me luck.
Back to the 4th. Which is tomorrow and I have the day off. Stupid global warming. I swear the summers are getting hotter and hotter. Last year...or a year before that, it was so hot, 113 in the valley to be exact that it turned my normal pool, which is always cold no matter how hot it is, into a Caribbean sea. For those who dont know, my pool is like the artic. It is a black bottom pool which is supposed to absorb the heat and warm the pool but no matter how hot it gets, usually the top layer is warm while the bottom end is really cold. You can only last a few mins in the pool it is so cold. But on this faithful day, when the temp reached 113, the whole pool was warm. I would say about 74 degrees or something like that. Warm enough to feel like you could stay in the pool all day. Oh, my nephews and I did just that. So as I was damning global warming, this whole week we will see triple digit temps. And tomorrow is supposed to be 102 I think. may not warm the pool that much, but I am going to be pool side all day, or at least try too!! YAY!!
On a side note: I was driving down the street taking my mom to work, when we see this ambulance parked on the opposing side of the road. I slowed down since I had the red light, and I see this car, Cadillac I think, which hopped the curb, went through a brick and wrought Iron fence and placed its happy ass in someone's yard. I was like WTF!! that is some crazy shit. Interesting. That is all I have to say about that!! haha
Ok well the boss is not here today, so we may leave kind of early and go see TRANSFORMERS, more than meets the eye!!! WOHOO! it opens today!!! I can't wait to see it. even if it sucks, I dont care. I grew up watching these cartoons and maybe just maybe, my nephews will understand what we watched at their age was cool!! haha
I think that is it for now. I do not have anything else to say. take care and remember, do not hold a lit firecracker in your hands unless you want to lose them!! haha
I am still talking to that girl mentioned in the past posts. We are hitting it off well over the phone. She is on vacation now in Hawaii. Lucky her. She comes back this Thurs and I am taking her out on a date this Sat. I am not nervous, but the more I think about it, the more I get nervous. I know I shouldn't since we have been talking for a while. It feels, at least for me, that we are old friends reuniting again. I guess talking on the phone everyday or so makes one feel comfortable around one another. There is no, "what should I say" dialogs running through my head. That in itself is comforting. We can just sit and be with each other not saying a word. So that should be fun. Wish me luck.
Back to the 4th. Which is tomorrow and I have the day off. Stupid global warming. I swear the summers are getting hotter and hotter. Last year...or a year before that, it was so hot, 113 in the valley to be exact that it turned my normal pool, which is always cold no matter how hot it is, into a Caribbean sea. For those who dont know, my pool is like the artic. It is a black bottom pool which is supposed to absorb the heat and warm the pool but no matter how hot it gets, usually the top layer is warm while the bottom end is really cold. You can only last a few mins in the pool it is so cold. But on this faithful day, when the temp reached 113, the whole pool was warm. I would say about 74 degrees or something like that. Warm enough to feel like you could stay in the pool all day. Oh, my nephews and I did just that. So as I was damning global warming, this whole week we will see triple digit temps. And tomorrow is supposed to be 102 I think. may not warm the pool that much, but I am going to be pool side all day, or at least try too!! YAY!!
On a side note: I was driving down the street taking my mom to work, when we see this ambulance parked on the opposing side of the road. I slowed down since I had the red light, and I see this car, Cadillac I think, which hopped the curb, went through a brick and wrought Iron fence and placed its happy ass in someone's yard. I was like WTF!! that is some crazy shit. Interesting. That is all I have to say about that!! haha
Ok well the boss is not here today, so we may leave kind of early and go see TRANSFORMERS, more than meets the eye!!! WOHOO! it opens today!!! I can't wait to see it. even if it sucks, I dont care. I grew up watching these cartoons and maybe just maybe, my nephews will understand what we watched at their age was cool!! haha
I think that is it for now. I do not have anything else to say. take care and remember, do not hold a lit firecracker in your hands unless you want to lose them!! haha
Friday, June 29, 2007
Its Friday!!!
What up!? What up!? Today is Friday the end of the work week, the start of a short but much needed weekend. So where to begin?
Today is the 29th, the day of the official iPhone release. Many people have begun lining up at stores already. There has been one incident of a fail mugging attempt. I guess there was a TV crew filming outside of an Apple store and one of the four top tech commentators was about to pull out his iphone to demo to the film crew. Then some guy goes and jumps the camera man and the tech guy. From what I heard, the police and the people in line helped to detain the would be mugger. Stupid! But a nice try!!
**edit** There is now a video of this scene circulating throughout the net. It looks as if the guy was trying to grab the mic. I couldnt hear the audio, but if he was really trying to grab the iphone he has bad aim!! But again it was a good attempt!
Another report has Steve Jobs, the big man at Apple, saying that edge is kind of slow and buggy. For those of you that dont know, edge, is a the wireless over the air network used by ATT. This is slow technology being the fact that ATT has a 3G network that Apple did not take put on the phone. The reason being that their 3G network doesnt encompass the entire US States. EVDO, the 3G equivalent, by Verizon covers the whole US states. Too bad Verizon and Apple couldn't get along!! So Steve says, edge is slow and buggy and is not good for webbrowsing. NO SHIT!! Next time you make a phone do your damn research!!
Our company just moved their email system to an outlook server. That means more spam? I dont know. But from the spam I get from outlook and my gmail I can do the following:
The only thing Spam is good for is in my mouth!! haha
Today is the 29th, the day of the official iPhone release. Many people have begun lining up at stores already. There has been one incident of a fail mugging attempt. I guess there was a TV crew filming outside of an Apple store and one of the four top tech commentators was about to pull out his iphone to demo to the film crew. Then some guy goes and jumps the camera man and the tech guy. From what I heard, the police and the people in line helped to detain the would be mugger. Stupid! But a nice try!!
**edit** There is now a video of this scene circulating throughout the net. It looks as if the guy was trying to grab the mic. I couldnt hear the audio, but if he was really trying to grab the iphone he has bad aim!! But again it was a good attempt!
Another report has Steve Jobs, the big man at Apple, saying that edge is kind of slow and buggy. For those of you that dont know, edge, is a the wireless over the air network used by ATT. This is slow technology being the fact that ATT has a 3G network that Apple did not take put on the phone. The reason being that their 3G network doesnt encompass the entire US States. EVDO, the 3G equivalent, by Verizon covers the whole US states. Too bad Verizon and Apple couldn't get along!! So Steve says, edge is slow and buggy and is not good for webbrowsing. NO SHIT!! Next time you make a phone do your damn research!!
Our company just moved their email system to an outlook server. That means more spam? I dont know. But from the spam I get from outlook and my gmail I can do the following:
- I can have a bigger Penis
- I can lose weight faster
- I can win A free Ipod
- Something in Chinese or some language using characters
- I get free Kmart Gift Cards
- I can meet Attractive Singles
- I won lots of cool Prizes
- I can get gift cards to all these places
- I can view Photos of people in my area.
The only thing Spam is good for is in my mouth!! haha
Thursday, June 28, 2007
WARNING: This may or may not be a long post or may or may not make sense. So bare with me. This is my stream of consciousness.
This week has some what gone fast. I used to dread going into work because there wouldn't be a whole lot for me to do. But this week somehow, was better. I've been emailing that girl I told you about last Friday. We have been talking mostly everyday this week, except for last night because I fell asleep. Wait, I talked to her for about 3 mins last night. But when she called back I was dead asleep. I woke up at 3am and found my lights and tv still on. Haha. If I was a smoker I would have probably fallen asleep with a lit cigarette and burned the whole house down!! blah. Speaking of smoking, I found this thing this morning on my gadget site that I always look at. It is a all in one, lighter / pipe for smoking the herbs..haha Its pretty cool, the lighter pop up, light the bowl and the other end is the pipe. Very ingenious.
Ok, so back to work. They let me update the careers page of our company's website. Actually it was 2 pages that I edited. Nothing much, just some text changes and deletions. But I was happy to go about and do this. It broke up the routine of me not doing any work and actually allowed me to work. I am happy that I finished this in a reasonable amount of time. Now I get to blog about what I did.
On the way to work this week, there is this one spot on the street where I always pass and the people who are driving there always seem to go in slow motion. It was weird. It is a 3 lane street and I am in the lane on the far right side. The cars in the middle and left lanes are the ones that go in slow mo. I don't know why. At that very spot everyone drives slow and it backs up for about a block. And this week was/is all about drivers changing / pulling in my lane and driving slow. Come On. If you are going to cut me off or come into my lane as you see me coming at you like a rocket, the common thing to do is flipping drive faster. But no. That isn't the case. OH well. I am glad that I got new brakes and my oil changed yesterday. Now I won't have to worry about not being able to stop!! haha.
I have noticed that since I have been talking to this girl, I am happier, ( I typed...more happy..haha) and I find myself laughing more than I used to. For instance, today on the way to work, I brought my big ipod, the one that has all my music, and I was jamming to all sorts of stuff. From Queen, to Frankie J, to The stylistics. I had my window open and just singing and drinking my coffee. I guess sometimes we all need a little variety in our lives. Thanks goodness for the big ipod. Also, I found myself jamming down the road, both hands cupping my coffee, going 50 in a 45, singing and watching the world pass around me. It was a good feeling. I had to slow down because I was arriving at the job site earlier than expected. Once I got to the parking lot, I finished my coffee and the song I was listening too and merrily went up to work. Strange how the little things makes us happy. Well makes me happy. Right at this very moment in my head, that damn chevrolet song is in my head, "buy you a chevrolet, buy me a chevrolet." I am just giddy. It may be the coffee or the fact that it is so close to Friday!
Ok, Speaking of Friday, that is when the new iphone comes out. I was thinking of getting it. but why? All or most of the people I talk with are on Verizon and the offerings of the iPhone do not really justify me spending $600 on a phone + a 2 year contract + $175 for an early termination fee from The Network. If the iPhone came to Verizon, I would be on that like white on rice. I just want to see how much mayhem this Friday at 6pm will bring. Get your riot gear on. It may be a war to get the iPhone.
Well, I guess that is all I have to say for now. I may have emptied my mind of all these random thoughts. BTW, how do you like the cat picture on the right? haha Its cool eh? A cat playing 360 and losing my man!! I hate when that Happens!!! haha
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
WWE and Relationships
So this morning my friend IM's me asking if I heard about Chris Benoit. I said No. He sent me the link to yahoo sports and also told me that he passed away over the weekend/Monday. I read the post on yahoo. I guess they said it was a murder-suicide. He killed his wife and seven year old son then killed himself. For those of you who do not know, Benoit was a professional wrestler for the WWE and the other wrestling franchises. It is pretty surreal to see people you grew up watching passing away. I grew up watching him wrestle and a few other wrestlers that a since passed away. I, not looked up to them, but admired them for what they did. They put their bodies on the line just to entertain the fans. You can say wrestling is fake, well hell, it is fake, but there are moves that go on that you really can not fake. Like going through a table or jumping off a 10ft ladder and landing on something/someone. Or getting hit with a steel chair hard enough that the people in the first few rows hears the impact. Its fake but damn, its gotta hurt! I do not condone what ever happened to Benoit and his family but it just goes to show that these are real people too. Things that happen to real people also happen to them regardless of how unfortunate the circumstances are. I know I felt this way when I heard that two body building stars were arrested for murder a year or so back. I also grew up reading about them and how they sculpted their bodies to become one of the elite body builders of the sport. But again, they are just human and also have to deal with everyday events and good / bad choices.
Last night I spent another few hours talking to this girl. She is really cool. I really enjoy talking to her. I think she laughs at things more than I do. She also makes those same comments I do, where we just add crazy situations to events that would probably not happen but would be funny. Lets see, for instance we were talking about how I had to over come some obstacles to get to know her, like her father or her older brother or her friends. So we were talking about making a t-shirt that said, "Climbing Mt. Everest with my bare feet." Sure it may not sound funny but it is one of those, "you had to be there" moments. We are very similar I have found out. Things that she does or wants to do, I find myself doing it or wanting to do it. Its very very crazy. I think I am falling for her, but again like I said, I have to take it slow. It is in my nature to fall fast for girls so I want to take it slow to make things go right. She is definitely worth getting to know. I just don't want to say anything to crazy to make her think I am crazy and drive her away. So we shall see what happens! Wish me luck!!
Last night I spent another few hours talking to this girl. She is really cool. I really enjoy talking to her. I think she laughs at things more than I do. She also makes those same comments I do, where we just add crazy situations to events that would probably not happen but would be funny. Lets see, for instance we were talking about how I had to over come some obstacles to get to know her, like her father or her older brother or her friends. So we were talking about making a t-shirt that said, "Climbing Mt. Everest with my bare feet." Sure it may not sound funny but it is one of those, "you had to be there" moments. We are very similar I have found out. Things that she does or wants to do, I find myself doing it or wanting to do it. Its very very crazy. I think I am falling for her, but again like I said, I have to take it slow. It is in my nature to fall fast for girls so I want to take it slow to make things go right. She is definitely worth getting to know. I just don't want to say anything to crazy to make her think I am crazy and drive her away. So we shall see what happens! Wish me luck!!
Monday, June 25, 2007
What a Weekend
For those of you who read this blog, I would like to say, sorry for the horizontal looking photos. Those were sent from my phone and I really didnt/dont know how to flip them around. So just deal with em!! haha
My weekend was pretty cool. Friday after work I went out with my family for my Parents' anniversary at the Universal Hilton. I guess there is this all you can eat buffet with lobster, steak, shark fin soup, sushi, and all this other stuff. It is a high class buffet compared to the ones at Hometown buffet or the ones in Las Vegas. After that we went to my sister's house and my dad played the Wii with my nephews. I slept over there because on Sat we were going to Knotts Berry farm.
Sat: Knotts Berry Farm. For those of you that don't know, Knotts is an amusement park in Ca. It has roller coaster rides and some small rides for the kiddies. Usually all amusement parks have themes for the kids. This park's theme was Snoopy and the Peanuts gang. You know, Charlie Brown, Peppermint Patty, Lucy, Snoopy and Woodstock. The reason we went was because my sister's work had a company appreciation day there with all you can eat chicken and what not. Knotts is famous for their fried chicken and homemade Jam. So we were there from opening until closing. Lots of walking and eating and having fun. We played games. The dog from 3 pics down is what I won at this one game. This game had playing cards laid out on this table. the object of the game was to throw your poker chips on the cards to make poker hands. You get 5 chips. I only got a pair of 7's so that was my prize. It was ok. After the park we went and slept over my brother in law's parents house, since my other nephew was having a movie party in that city.
Sun: After waking up, my back started to hurt. It has been hurting for a while now, only on the left side of my lower back. Then Sat, while playing with my nephews, I lifted one of them up and hurt the other side of my back. And I guess going on a Wooden roller coaster that is bone jarring as it is, didn't help the situation. So after we got ready, we went to the movies. We watched The Fantastic Four: The rise of the Silver Surfer! I liked it. It kind of explained in limited detail how the silver surfer came to be known. After that, I stayed behind and my friend picked me up. That night we were going to go to a concert. We had lunch at L & L which is a nice Hawaiian fast food place. It was good. I haven't had that since I moved out of the apt!! So we arrive at the Hollywood Bowl later that day. Hollywood Bowl is this open concert stadium where people bring picnic stuff and just hang out. It was my first time there and I wouldn't mind going back. Before the concert, we had a picnic with about 40 people who were sitting with us. It was a good time since most of the people who went were old high school buddies. It was fun. Inside the venue, like I said before, people can bring picnic stuff and alcohol. Everyone was just chilling eating drinking and enjoying some great music.
In the row in front of us, there was this one group of people, with a girl and her date sitting in the middle of this long bench. Then this other group of people come and sit at the other side of the bench. As the music was playing, some real old slow song, the guy who was on a date, starting rubbing up on the girl that just came in. They were grinding and she was lifting up her skirt and stuff. It was crazy. If I get pics I'll post them..maybe.haha Any way, so it was a good time had by all. I got a ride to the venue with one friend but going home, I had to go get a ride with someone else. But to get to the car, we had to walk about a mile or so to get to the condo. This walk took us through the freeway where we had to walk on the side of the road with no sidewalk. I was just thinking to myself, please no car hit me!! haha Of course we got there safely and I caught a ride with a high school friend who lives 5 mins from my sister's house. That is where I left my car on Friday, the beginning of this long ass weekend. Once I got home, I took a shower and crashed on my bed. I was so tired I actually slept right up till my alarm went off. Even then I had to hit the snooze button a couple of times. And now I sit here, Monday morning just staring blankly at this screen!! haha I can't wait to go HOME!!!
My weekend was pretty cool. Friday after work I went out with my family for my Parents' anniversary at the Universal Hilton. I guess there is this all you can eat buffet with lobster, steak, shark fin soup, sushi, and all this other stuff. It is a high class buffet compared to the ones at Hometown buffet or the ones in Las Vegas. After that we went to my sister's house and my dad played the Wii with my nephews. I slept over there because on Sat we were going to Knotts Berry farm.
Sat: Knotts Berry Farm. For those of you that don't know, Knotts is an amusement park in Ca. It has roller coaster rides and some small rides for the kiddies. Usually all amusement parks have themes for the kids. This park's theme was Snoopy and the Peanuts gang. You know, Charlie Brown, Peppermint Patty, Lucy, Snoopy and Woodstock. The reason we went was because my sister's work had a company appreciation day there with all you can eat chicken and what not. Knotts is famous for their fried chicken and homemade Jam. So we were there from opening until closing. Lots of walking and eating and having fun. We played games. The dog from 3 pics down is what I won at this one game. This game had playing cards laid out on this table. the object of the game was to throw your poker chips on the cards to make poker hands. You get 5 chips. I only got a pair of 7's so that was my prize. It was ok. After the park we went and slept over my brother in law's parents house, since my other nephew was having a movie party in that city.
Sun: After waking up, my back started to hurt. It has been hurting for a while now, only on the left side of my lower back. Then Sat, while playing with my nephews, I lifted one of them up and hurt the other side of my back. And I guess going on a Wooden roller coaster that is bone jarring as it is, didn't help the situation. So after we got ready, we went to the movies. We watched The Fantastic Four: The rise of the Silver Surfer! I liked it. It kind of explained in limited detail how the silver surfer came to be known. After that, I stayed behind and my friend picked me up. That night we were going to go to a concert. We had lunch at L & L which is a nice Hawaiian fast food place. It was good. I haven't had that since I moved out of the apt!! So we arrive at the Hollywood Bowl later that day. Hollywood Bowl is this open concert stadium where people bring picnic stuff and just hang out. It was my first time there and I wouldn't mind going back. Before the concert, we had a picnic with about 40 people who were sitting with us. It was a good time since most of the people who went were old high school buddies. It was fun. Inside the venue, like I said before, people can bring picnic stuff and alcohol. Everyone was just chilling eating drinking and enjoying some great music.
In the row in front of us, there was this one group of people, with a girl and her date sitting in the middle of this long bench. Then this other group of people come and sit at the other side of the bench. As the music was playing, some real old slow song, the guy who was on a date, starting rubbing up on the girl that just came in. They were grinding and she was lifting up her skirt and stuff. It was crazy. If I get pics I'll post them..maybe.haha Any way, so it was a good time had by all. I got a ride to the venue with one friend but going home, I had to go get a ride with someone else. But to get to the car, we had to walk about a mile or so to get to the condo. This walk took us through the freeway where we had to walk on the side of the road with no sidewalk. I was just thinking to myself, please no car hit me!! haha Of course we got there safely and I caught a ride with a high school friend who lives 5 mins from my sister's house. That is where I left my car on Friday, the beginning of this long ass weekend. Once I got home, I took a shower and crashed on my bed. I was so tired I actually slept right up till my alarm went off. Even then I had to hit the snooze button a couple of times. And now I sit here, Monday morning just staring blankly at this screen!! haha I can't wait to go HOME!!!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Look into my Soul
One thing that I have noticed about myself this week is that I tend to fall for girls in an instant. I'll talk with a girl, get to know her and BAMM!! Feelings come up and thats all I can think about is her. I am in that mood right now. I starting talking to this girl yesterday via emails. Then last night we started to talk. It was a good talk. Just about who we were, what we like and dislike. It was a good 4 hour convo. Im paying for it now since I cant keep my flippin eyes open but that is ok. Any way, so yah, in those 4 hours I realized that she was a person that was worth getting to know. I wouldnt mind. I dont know how she feels. Hopefully the same. I dont want to rush into anything, but I guess my feelings already have a head start. I just have to chill and see where things go. But its hard. She caught my attention from the start and it is hard to not think about it. So wish me luck. Let us see how far the rabbit hole really goes.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Wow, I didn't realize that I titled 2 of my last blogs the same thing. Thats crazy.
Any way, I am just writing to vent. Ive been in a somewhat "blah" mood today. I have been so motivated to getting healthy, watching what I eat, and doing work as Big Black would say, and it seems for what? For nothing? To attract the girl of my dreams whom I haven't found? I feel very low right now. Just grab that sledgehammer from the corner and knock me the crap out. I am a shell of my self right now. More today than other days I am feeling lonely. It looks like all the people I know are all in relationships and I am the only one here who is single. I know I probably won't feel like this for long, but today seems appropriate. Its a Monday and I really do not want to be here right now. I just want to go to bed and close my eyes. Why can't I find that one girl that I can love and be with for ever. Where is my story book ending? Where is my girl I save just as the end credits start rolling? I really doubt that this will happen in my lifetime. I just dont feel really positive right now. I am just blah right now. It sucks and I dont want to talk it anymore. This day is zapping my energy. I don't want to try anything. Just point me to the end of the road and I'll be happy. Life is a up and down ride and I am definitely on the down side. Sorry if you read this and feel bad for me. Don't! I am just venting. Something has to change for my life to get better. Someone asked me if I was happy. I was but who knows now. If I close my eyes I can see her right next to me but I can not make out who she is or what she looks like. I deserve to be happy right? I've done my part. I have helped people. I am a good person. DO i deserve some type of happiness??
Any way, I am just writing to vent. Ive been in a somewhat "blah" mood today. I have been so motivated to getting healthy, watching what I eat, and doing work as Big Black would say, and it seems for what? For nothing? To attract the girl of my dreams whom I haven't found? I feel very low right now. Just grab that sledgehammer from the corner and knock me the crap out. I am a shell of my self right now. More today than other days I am feeling lonely. It looks like all the people I know are all in relationships and I am the only one here who is single. I know I probably won't feel like this for long, but today seems appropriate. Its a Monday and I really do not want to be here right now. I just want to go to bed and close my eyes. Why can't I find that one girl that I can love and be with for ever. Where is my story book ending? Where is my girl I save just as the end credits start rolling? I really doubt that this will happen in my lifetime. I just dont feel really positive right now. I am just blah right now. It sucks and I dont want to talk it anymore. This day is zapping my energy. I don't want to try anything. Just point me to the end of the road and I'll be happy. Life is a up and down ride and I am definitely on the down side. Sorry if you read this and feel bad for me. Don't! I am just venting. Something has to change for my life to get better. Someone asked me if I was happy. I was but who knows now. If I close my eyes I can see her right next to me but I can not make out who she is or what she looks like. I deserve to be happy right? I've done my part. I have helped people. I am a good person. DO i deserve some type of happiness??
Do we really need a title for this blog? I am not sure. I really don't know what I want to say. But here is it. My top 3 qualities in a girlfriend.
1. Eyes
2. Smile
3. Personality
She has to have eyes!! haha j/k. I mean she has to have that something in her eyes. That sparkle every time I look into them. A reflection of who she is. The color of the eyes once the sun shines its rays upon it.
Her smile. She has to love to smile. I have gotten among other things, my dad's sense of humor. He always seems to make people laugh. I tend to do that also, especially if I am really comfortable with other people. I know most of the times, the jokes are dumb, but again, that is what I got from my dad!! haha
She has to have a great personality. Since mine is kind of crazy, her personality must fill in the empty spaces of my own sick personality. Granted I am not crazy or anything, but I sometimes need that balance of sane and insane.
So there it is, my top 3.
1. Eyes
2. Smile
3. Personality
She has to have eyes!! haha j/k. I mean she has to have that something in her eyes. That sparkle every time I look into them. A reflection of who she is. The color of the eyes once the sun shines its rays upon it.
Her smile. She has to love to smile. I have gotten among other things, my dad's sense of humor. He always seems to make people laugh. I tend to do that also, especially if I am really comfortable with other people. I know most of the times, the jokes are dumb, but again, that is what I got from my dad!! haha
She has to have a great personality. Since mine is kind of crazy, her personality must fill in the empty spaces of my own sick personality. Granted I am not crazy or anything, but I sometimes need that balance of sane and insane.
So there it is, my top 3.
Friday, June 15, 2007
So its is a video you may enjoy, especially if you like TETRIS!!! *cue tetris music now*
And click this link:
Also, 14 more days unitl the iPhone Launches!!! WOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And click this link:
Also, 14 more days unitl the iPhone Launches!!! WOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Friday!!
Happy Friday to all those out there who are stuck at work. I feel your pain! Naked Thursday was ok. The boss left for the afternoon, so you know what they say, "when the cat is out the mice play." Well we really didn't play, but we didnt do a lot of work. After work I got my hair cut and had some dinner with my dad. After settling some bills! (BOOO!!!) I watched the last half of the CAVS / SPURS Game on the TV. Too bad the Spurs won and they are the new NBA Champions. Oh well, there is always next year. After the game I went and did my circuit weight lifting training. That was fun. After a movie and shower it was off to bed.
Today was not that different. Im at work right now just chilliln. Ok well I just came back from lunch. We went to a Sushi place right near work. It was good.
I had the bento box : Not all that stuff, just Pork cutlet (breaded strips of pork), tempura, rice and 4 California Rolls. I also got 2 spicy tuna hand rolls but that pic doesn't do it justice. This was the spiciest thing I have ever eaten. I took one bite and I literally started to sweat. Of course I had to finish it, so after I ate it my head was one big sweat ball. It was crazy. I had to take the other one home or in a box. One day I will list the sushi places in So. Cal where I have eaten and rank them by how good the sushi was for me.
One thing to note when going out for Sushi. Never go out and have sushi on a Monday. If you notice that the hole in the wall sushi places are not open on Mondays. From what I have heard, Monday is when the sushi places get their shipment of fresh fish. So Monday will be the 7 day old fish and rice while Tuesdays are the freshest sushi has ever been. This is from experience. I actually went to a Sushi place open on Monday and the there was a distinct taste to the fish and the hardness of the rice. So be forewarned!!
For those of you who are turned off on sushi, let me tell you I was also. But then I tried a California Roll. From then on I was hooked. Well let me clarify. Sushi is defined as this. Mainly though, when I think about sushi for the first time I thought of it as fish that was uncooked. I still can not eat that. I just do not like the consistency of the fish. However, I can eat other types of rolls that they have. I have tried a teriyaki Chicken roll. That was good. My favorite is the soft shell crab roll or the spider roll. I would eat the middle and save the ends, the ones with the legs, for last. That would be my Eleanore. For those of you who do not know what I mean, you might have to watch "Gone in 60 Seconds"
Now, I am here in the office, just messing around. Can't wait to start my Friday!! WOHOO!!
Today was not that different. Im at work right now just chilliln. Ok well I just came back from lunch. We went to a Sushi place right near work. It was good.
I had the bento box : Not all that stuff, just Pork cutlet (breaded strips of pork), tempura, rice and 4 California Rolls. I also got 2 spicy tuna hand rolls but that pic doesn't do it justice. This was the spiciest thing I have ever eaten. I took one bite and I literally started to sweat. Of course I had to finish it, so after I ate it my head was one big sweat ball. It was crazy. I had to take the other one home or in a box. One day I will list the sushi places in So. Cal where I have eaten and rank them by how good the sushi was for me.
One thing to note when going out for Sushi. Never go out and have sushi on a Monday. If you notice that the hole in the wall sushi places are not open on Mondays. From what I have heard, Monday is when the sushi places get their shipment of fresh fish. So Monday will be the 7 day old fish and rice while Tuesdays are the freshest sushi has ever been. This is from experience. I actually went to a Sushi place open on Monday and the there was a distinct taste to the fish and the hardness of the rice. So be forewarned!!
For those of you who are turned off on sushi, let me tell you I was also. But then I tried a California Roll. From then on I was hooked. Well let me clarify. Sushi is defined as this. Mainly though, when I think about sushi for the first time I thought of it as fish that was uncooked. I still can not eat that. I just do not like the consistency of the fish. However, I can eat other types of rolls that they have. I have tried a teriyaki Chicken roll. That was good. My favorite is the soft shell crab roll or the spider roll. I would eat the middle and save the ends, the ones with the legs, for last. That would be my Eleanore. For those of you who do not know what I mean, you might have to watch "Gone in 60 Seconds"
Now, I am here in the office, just messing around. Can't wait to start my Friday!! WOHOO!!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Happy Hump Day!!
What is hump day? It is that little day right smack dab in the middle of the work week. For those of us who work the Monday - Friday shifts, that little day would be Wed!! YAY!! That means that it is almost Friday and the weekend!! Friday can not come any faster! In my calender, Hump Day is followed by Naked Thursdays!! I love my weeks. Too bad no one else participates in them! haha.
Not much going on on the home front. Same ish different day. But I did wash my car yesterday! That was fun. My car has been collecting some nice Grade A dirt over several months. Sure, I could have taken it to the car wash but I did not have any money to spend on a car wash. And by the time I get home, the sun would still be up, but the weather would be cooler. I live in a canyon and about 10 miles over this canyon is the ocean. So this brings in the fog and the cool coastal air. It is pretty cool to look up at the top of the canyon and see fog making its way down to my street. I love scary movies, so I always imagine Zombies or some dreadful creature coming down the hill with the fog. Ok so the weather has not been good for car washing. Yesterday on the other hand was perfect. I came home, ate dinner, then went to wash the car. The sun was still up and it was still warm. It took me about 30mins to wash the car. But boy did my car need it. Then today before work I filled up my car with gas and put more air in my tires. On the way to work I kept looking at my side view mirrors. They were so clean. If i wasn't the good drive that I am, I surely would have taken out a few parked cars while looking at my very clean mirrors. So today after work, I will do the inside of the car! YAY! I don't know about the rest of the world, but I know I feel much better with a clean car. It boosts my self image because my car is clean. No I don't have an expensive car or SUV, but at least it is clean!!
After I cleaned the car, I went and worked out for a bit. I tried to do some minutes on the elliptical machine, but I was too tired. So I went to the back yard and did some high stepping. I don't know what you call it, but it is when you face a step that is higher than usually and you just step up and down for a certain amount of reps. I did 10-15 reps which equaled to 3-4 sets. So it was good. I felt good. Then I sat down and enjoyed the nice breeze of the summer with my dog!
I watched Alpha Dog last night for my relaxation bit before I go to bed. It was really good. I didn't know that it was based on real life events. It kept my attention and it didn't make me fall asleep. That right there is a good indicator that it was a good movie!! haha. Well I am sending this movie back and getting a new one. I think the next Netflix on my list is EPIC MOVIE!! haha I love those types of movies. It a parody on all the blockbuster hit movies from last year. I know it will be dumb, but hey, thats why I like em.
Ok, well I guess it is time for me to go and do some work or find work to do. So Happy Hump Day to all!! And Remember,
What is hump day? It is that little day right smack dab in the middle of the work week. For those of us who work the Monday - Friday shifts, that little day would be Wed!! YAY!! That means that it is almost Friday and the weekend!! Friday can not come any faster! In my calender, Hump Day is followed by Naked Thursdays!! I love my weeks. Too bad no one else participates in them! haha.
Not much going on on the home front. Same ish different day. But I did wash my car yesterday! That was fun. My car has been collecting some nice Grade A dirt over several months. Sure, I could have taken it to the car wash but I did not have any money to spend on a car wash. And by the time I get home, the sun would still be up, but the weather would be cooler. I live in a canyon and about 10 miles over this canyon is the ocean. So this brings in the fog and the cool coastal air. It is pretty cool to look up at the top of the canyon and see fog making its way down to my street. I love scary movies, so I always imagine Zombies or some dreadful creature coming down the hill with the fog. Ok so the weather has not been good for car washing. Yesterday on the other hand was perfect. I came home, ate dinner, then went to wash the car. The sun was still up and it was still warm. It took me about 30mins to wash the car. But boy did my car need it. Then today before work I filled up my car with gas and put more air in my tires. On the way to work I kept looking at my side view mirrors. They were so clean. If i wasn't the good drive that I am, I surely would have taken out a few parked cars while looking at my very clean mirrors. So today after work, I will do the inside of the car! YAY! I don't know about the rest of the world, but I know I feel much better with a clean car. It boosts my self image because my car is clean. No I don't have an expensive car or SUV, but at least it is clean!!
After I cleaned the car, I went and worked out for a bit. I tried to do some minutes on the elliptical machine, but I was too tired. So I went to the back yard and did some high stepping. I don't know what you call it, but it is when you face a step that is higher than usually and you just step up and down for a certain amount of reps. I did 10-15 reps which equaled to 3-4 sets. So it was good. I felt good. Then I sat down and enjoyed the nice breeze of the summer with my dog!
I watched Alpha Dog last night for my relaxation bit before I go to bed. It was really good. I didn't know that it was based on real life events. It kept my attention and it didn't make me fall asleep. That right there is a good indicator that it was a good movie!! haha. Well I am sending this movie back and getting a new one. I think the next Netflix on my list is EPIC MOVIE!! haha I love those types of movies. It a parody on all the blockbuster hit movies from last year. I know it will be dumb, but hey, thats why I like em.
Ok, well I guess it is time for me to go and do some work or find work to do. So Happy Hump Day to all!! And Remember,
Monday, June 11, 2007
Research and Weight-loss
I am not sure what is going on with me. I think I am losing my gadget-fondness. Is that even a word? Any way, since I have limited my spending, I find myself not wanting to buy anything cool. Is it because I want to not spend? Or is it because of the fact that there are no cool things to buy? I am not sure? I know for one thing, my cell phone cravings have subsided. You may ask yourself "How hard is it to stop cell phone cravings?" or "what is the big deal with his cell phone cravings?" What a freak! I Know I know! Well my obsession with cell phones could be similar to someone's obsession with shoes. How each week or every two weeks you would HAVE to buy shoes because it felt good. And if you didn't buy the shoes you would feel bad or you were determined to get those NEW Shoes regardless of what it takes. If you can relate to the shoes obsession, that is how I felt with cell phones. I NEEDED the newest model regardless of the fact that my current cell phone is in great condition. I just had to have it. So anyways, it has been a couple of weeks since I bought my last phone and I am not feeling that anxiety of getting a new phone. But then again, like the gadgets, there aren't any "cool" phones coming out. Until the iPhone rears its ugly head at the end of this month. So let us cross our fingers and hope that this obsession doesn't come back at the end of this month.
In regards to this blog, I was thinking that my overall Internet viewing has been expanding. I would limit myself everyday I get to work, to view only a couple of sites religiously. Those would be my Gmail, and 3 technology sites, and any interesting facts found on Digg. Now, I would like to thank those who comment on my blog since you give me an opportunity to read your blogs. I love reading blogs, I have always loved reading them, it was just a matter of finding blogs to read. Now that I joined the google groups, blogs are plentiful. I get to know fill my mind with other people's insight to different matters.
I was reading someone's blog and at the bottom they posted a link to this site: This is a site that is devoted to people who would like to lose weight and don't know how. Or they do know how, they just need the support and motivation that this site provides. Last Friday I recently joined this site. I for one, fall into the group of people who need to lose weight. All my life, maybe not when I was a baby, I have been overweight. The scale that doctors use that matches a person's height to an ideal weight MUST be changed. I think it was based off a Caucasian average male and the ideal weight. Because it says that I need to be in the 170lbs range for my height. Well, I am 5'11 and weight 257.5lbs. I weighed myself this morning! :) So by this chart, I am considered morbid or morbidly obese. I am not sure what my body fat % is, but I know that I am not all fat. I played basketball in high school and I work out 3-4 days a week with cardio mixed in. I know I have fat to lose, but I have also gained muscle. So does this chart take into account a person's build or muscle mass? I don't think so. And if someone were to say, well that this chart is just a "ruler" to see where you fall into, but I am not Caucasian, so this chart would not apply to me, correct? I am not sure who made up this chart, but I know I do need to lose weight. But to say I am morbidly obese, is that right to assume? Any ways, I have joined this website, and I am looking forward to shedding all those unwanted pounds off of this frame. Wish me Luck. and if you want to join this site too, I would recommend it. Even if you want to lose 5lbs, the people on this site are nice and supportive. Most likely because we are all in the same boat. So Good luck and eat right.
In regards to this blog, I was thinking that my overall Internet viewing has been expanding. I would limit myself everyday I get to work, to view only a couple of sites religiously. Those would be my Gmail, and 3 technology sites, and any interesting facts found on Digg. Now, I would like to thank those who comment on my blog since you give me an opportunity to read your blogs. I love reading blogs, I have always loved reading them, it was just a matter of finding blogs to read. Now that I joined the google groups, blogs are plentiful. I get to know fill my mind with other people's insight to different matters.
I was reading someone's blog and at the bottom they posted a link to this site: This is a site that is devoted to people who would like to lose weight and don't know how. Or they do know how, they just need the support and motivation that this site provides. Last Friday I recently joined this site. I for one, fall into the group of people who need to lose weight. All my life, maybe not when I was a baby, I have been overweight. The scale that doctors use that matches a person's height to an ideal weight MUST be changed. I think it was based off a Caucasian average male and the ideal weight. Because it says that I need to be in the 170lbs range for my height. Well, I am 5'11 and weight 257.5lbs. I weighed myself this morning! :) So by this chart, I am considered morbid or morbidly obese. I am not sure what my body fat % is, but I know that I am not all fat. I played basketball in high school and I work out 3-4 days a week with cardio mixed in. I know I have fat to lose, but I have also gained muscle. So does this chart take into account a person's build or muscle mass? I don't think so. And if someone were to say, well that this chart is just a "ruler" to see where you fall into, but I am not Caucasian, so this chart would not apply to me, correct? I am not sure who made up this chart, but I know I do need to lose weight. But to say I am morbidly obese, is that right to assume? Any ways, I have joined this website, and I am looking forward to shedding all those unwanted pounds off of this frame. Wish me Luck. and if you want to join this site too, I would recommend it. Even if you want to lose 5lbs, the people on this site are nice and supportive. Most likely because we are all in the same boat. So Good luck and eat right.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Spending my Life Away
Now that I have had a couple cups of coffee to wake me up, I decided that I would bare my soul in this entry about the events that lead up to this morning. What Happened this morning? My bankruptcy case was reviewed and approved. I am 29 years old and I filed for bankruptcy.
I graduated college in 2000 and after a month of looking for a job, I found one. I was a computer purchaser for the same college that I graduated from. I still lived at home, commuted to work, and had several student loans to pay off. I just started my first job out of college and making money that I had never seen before. The money I was making was enough to pay more than the minimum on my student loans, while paying for my cell phone and car insurance. Mind you I was living at home so I didn't have to pay rent. From a financial stand point I had a lot of disposable income.
I have always liked jewelry since I was a kid. I'm a guy but I still like things that shine. At the same time I started my job, hip hop / rap music, was promoting the "bling bling" theme to their lyrics. If these guys can have "bling bling" so can I. One day I was walking with my ex gf / one of my best friends now, through the mall. I stopped inside a Kevin Jewelers to have a look around. I had not intention of buying anything just window shopping. Then this cross struck my eye. It was a beautiful piece to behold. The sales people gave me a good price, knocked off the tax and added "their special discounts." I chose this cross and the chain it was on. I figured that I can make payments on this item and pay it off in no time. So, that's $4000 I just added to my debt. I loved this piece. I'd wear it all the time and I would actually get compliments on it. I didn't feel rich or anything, I was just happy that I bought this item.
Then on another visit to the mall with the same girl that was with me when I got the cross, we stopped by again. This time the sales people kind of remember me and they showed me other items as well. What is a cross without a ring right? Well without much persuasion I left the mall that day with a ring similar to this one. Cool, I just added $2500 more to my "jewelry" debt. No problem I said to myself. I can pay this off. I have a job and making good money! No problem!
A month or so later, cruising the mall with said friend, (maybe my friend is to blame!! haha j/k) we stop by the same Kevin Jewelers. This time the sales people know me by name. Hell I think I just paid for their kids tuition. They show me this bracelet that just came in that matches the same setting that was on my cross and ring. This time I had the mind set to say "not right now, maybe next time." My friend and I went and ate at the food court. While eating I was contemplating the bracelet. See, they let me try it on and I got a glimpse of what it would look like on me. I asked said friend what she thought. She said, "It looks good on you." Hell, thats all the motivation I needed. After eating, we went back to the store and I went ahead and purchased the bracelet. (sorry no pics of this but just think of a tennis bracelet but bigger and longer for guys). So after adding another $4000 to my debt I went home happy.
Times got a little shaky when I had to pay for the student loans and the jewelry payments every month. I could still pay more than the said amount my student loans but not on my jewelry. Once I did some configuring, I had little money left over for spending cash. I got caught it in this "bling bling" hype that on several occasions, I visited Kevin Jewelers and purchased more items. I purchased some earings, traded in my ring for another "bigger" ring, purchased 2 more diamond pendants, a watch, a bracelet for a friend, a dolphin pendant for a friend, and a bracelet for my mom. I am not sure about the grand total, but I'll just say that it was enough to put me over the top. I hate Kevin Jewelers!! haha but I bet they loved me!
It was time to ask for help. In my family, there is one parent who will say yes to everything and another one that you are just plain scared off because they are strict and you do not want to evoke the wrath of said parent. My dad is the say yes type, or the sure you can do that type. My mom on the other hand is the one to be scared of. I think it is that strict Chinese side of her. Any way, if I were to ask for help, I would have to go through her. I picked a good day to talk to her about it. I told her that I need help paying my bills, that I am $9000 in the hole (this was actually less than what I needed). After much yelling and lecturing she said she would help and she wrote me a check for the $9000. The next day I deposited the check and paid off a majority of the loans. However, once you have that spending bug, you unfortunately can not stop. Or so I thought.
A couple years later (2005-2006) I have been jewelry free and still paying my loans. During this time, I got so desperate for money that I had the said friend help me pawn off the jewelry I had worked so hard to purchase. She got me about 10-15% of the price that I had paid for the jewelry. Hell, any money right now would be helpful. Once I had the money, I put majority of it in my checking account. I should have put all of it in there, but when you see an envelope full of money, you have to spend it. To this day I don't know what I spent it on. Some thing trivial that lost its value after a few days and placed on my shelf never to be used again.
After being 60% out of debt, the gadget side of me took over. I moved from buying jewelry to buying unlocked cell phones. If anyone knows about unlocked cell phones it is the fact that they are expensive. Since they are not associated with any carrier, prices for these phones can start at the low $800s. The first real unlocked phone that I purchased with my newly created spending cash, was the Motorola Razr. I paid $700 + for this phone. Why so much? Because it was unlocked and it wasn't available in the US at the time. At the time, I would only use my debit card, so whatever money I had was the money I spent. Then came the Discover card, which was supposed to be used for emergencies only. I would use that card to help me purchase new phones. I would purchase phones every three weeks or as often as they were released. I used my discover card for those purchases. Then, I signed up for PayPal and found out that they gave me a line of credit. Good I thought. Another way to spend money. I used the PayPal and the Discover card up to its max. Then on, they have the ability to "billmelater" which is a line of credit. I used that to its max. So after being down to about 40% in debt after the help of my mom, the rise in cell phone purchases bumped my debt back up to about 80% of my income. Again, I needed help but I didn't ask my mom this time.
I decided that I would stop spending money and focus on paying of this debt that kept rising because of the interest rates. At the time, I was still at my college job, moved into an apt, and still paying off my debt. Now I had to worry about credit card debt, rent, utilities and every month expenses. But did that stop me from spending? Nope. Somehow, I found the way to get money and spend it on things I didn't need. I bought furniture for my room in the apt, an XBOX 360, guitar hero for my PS2, a DS lite, DVDs, and of course more cell phones. I just had enough spending cash, after paying my bills, to buy food for lunch and dinner. I was fine or so I thought. Sure I was only paying the minimum on some bills but I was getting by. Then that pervervial rock bottom found its way into my life.
Then Nov 2006 right before the Thanksgiving holiday here in the States, I was served my last paycheck and told to clean out my office. There were issues at work where they, suits, couldn't trust me any more and some job title changes were going into effect. Right before Thanksgiving, I lost my job. Nothing could have been done. I had no money coming in, and the way I was spending cash, I had no savings. I applied for unemployment but was denied. I was looking for jobs, but at the time, no one was hiring especially during the holiday season and the new year. I spent 3 1/2 months without a job. There was no way I could pay off my debt now. In Feb, still looking for a job, my dad suggested that I file for bankruptcy. What else could I do? We both went to a bankruptcy lawyer and paid for his help. We filed in Feb and I finally found a job in March.
The new job doesn't pay as much as my old job but at least there was money to be made. I am still at the new job and today my hearing for the bankruptcy was put through. All those creditors who were calling me every day have stopped. I don't owe anyone any money. I recently sat my butt down and finally made a budget for my monthly expenses and my savings. I have 2 savings accounts now. I look back at all the times I have spent money, on things that I don't use anymore. How could I have been so foolish? But thanks to the support of my parents and family, I have finally learned that saving money is a good thing and spending money on useless things is a trap that I do not want to fall into again. I pledge to whoever reads this and to myself, that from today on, the money I spend will be for things that need to be spent on, and that I will save more than I spend. The real American dream is to live life without having to worry about debt. I hope I can do this without disappointing anyone else again.
I graduated college in 2000 and after a month of looking for a job, I found one. I was a computer purchaser for the same college that I graduated from. I still lived at home, commuted to work, and had several student loans to pay off. I just started my first job out of college and making money that I had never seen before. The money I was making was enough to pay more than the minimum on my student loans, while paying for my cell phone and car insurance. Mind you I was living at home so I didn't have to pay rent. From a financial stand point I had a lot of disposable income.
I have always liked jewelry since I was a kid. I'm a guy but I still like things that shine. At the same time I started my job, hip hop / rap music, was promoting the "bling bling" theme to their lyrics. If these guys can have "bling bling" so can I. One day I was walking with my ex gf / one of my best friends now, through the mall. I stopped inside a Kevin Jewelers to have a look around. I had not intention of buying anything just window shopping. Then this cross struck my eye. It was a beautiful piece to behold. The sales people gave me a good price, knocked off the tax and added "their special discounts." I chose this cross and the chain it was on. I figured that I can make payments on this item and pay it off in no time. So, that's $4000 I just added to my debt. I loved this piece. I'd wear it all the time and I would actually get compliments on it. I didn't feel rich or anything, I was just happy that I bought this item.
Then on another visit to the mall with the same girl that was with me when I got the cross, we stopped by again. This time the sales people kind of remember me and they showed me other items as well. What is a cross without a ring right? Well without much persuasion I left the mall that day with a ring similar to this one. Cool, I just added $2500 more to my "jewelry" debt. No problem I said to myself. I can pay this off. I have a job and making good money! No problem!
A month or so later, cruising the mall with said friend, (maybe my friend is to blame!! haha j/k) we stop by the same Kevin Jewelers. This time the sales people know me by name. Hell I think I just paid for their kids tuition. They show me this bracelet that just came in that matches the same setting that was on my cross and ring. This time I had the mind set to say "not right now, maybe next time." My friend and I went and ate at the food court. While eating I was contemplating the bracelet. See, they let me try it on and I got a glimpse of what it would look like on me. I asked said friend what she thought. She said, "It looks good on you." Hell, thats all the motivation I needed. After eating, we went back to the store and I went ahead and purchased the bracelet. (sorry no pics of this but just think of a tennis bracelet but bigger and longer for guys). So after adding another $4000 to my debt I went home happy.
Times got a little shaky when I had to pay for the student loans and the jewelry payments every month. I could still pay more than the said amount my student loans but not on my jewelry. Once I did some configuring, I had little money left over for spending cash. I got caught it in this "bling bling" hype that on several occasions, I visited Kevin Jewelers and purchased more items. I purchased some earings, traded in my ring for another "bigger" ring, purchased 2 more diamond pendants, a watch, a bracelet for a friend, a dolphin pendant for a friend, and a bracelet for my mom. I am not sure about the grand total, but I'll just say that it was enough to put me over the top. I hate Kevin Jewelers!! haha but I bet they loved me!
It was time to ask for help. In my family, there is one parent who will say yes to everything and another one that you are just plain scared off because they are strict and you do not want to evoke the wrath of said parent. My dad is the say yes type, or the sure you can do that type. My mom on the other hand is the one to be scared of. I think it is that strict Chinese side of her. Any way, if I were to ask for help, I would have to go through her. I picked a good day to talk to her about it. I told her that I need help paying my bills, that I am $9000 in the hole (this was actually less than what I needed). After much yelling and lecturing she said she would help and she wrote me a check for the $9000. The next day I deposited the check and paid off a majority of the loans. However, once you have that spending bug, you unfortunately can not stop. Or so I thought.
A couple years later (2005-2006) I have been jewelry free and still paying my loans. During this time, I got so desperate for money that I had the said friend help me pawn off the jewelry I had worked so hard to purchase. She got me about 10-15% of the price that I had paid for the jewelry. Hell, any money right now would be helpful. Once I had the money, I put majority of it in my checking account. I should have put all of it in there, but when you see an envelope full of money, you have to spend it. To this day I don't know what I spent it on. Some thing trivial that lost its value after a few days and placed on my shelf never to be used again.
After being 60% out of debt, the gadget side of me took over. I moved from buying jewelry to buying unlocked cell phones. If anyone knows about unlocked cell phones it is the fact that they are expensive. Since they are not associated with any carrier, prices for these phones can start at the low $800s. The first real unlocked phone that I purchased with my newly created spending cash, was the Motorola Razr. I paid $700 + for this phone. Why so much? Because it was unlocked and it wasn't available in the US at the time. At the time, I would only use my debit card, so whatever money I had was the money I spent. Then came the Discover card, which was supposed to be used for emergencies only. I would use that card to help me purchase new phones. I would purchase phones every three weeks or as often as they were released. I used my discover card for those purchases. Then, I signed up for PayPal and found out that they gave me a line of credit. Good I thought. Another way to spend money. I used the PayPal and the Discover card up to its max. Then on, they have the ability to "billmelater" which is a line of credit. I used that to its max. So after being down to about 40% in debt after the help of my mom, the rise in cell phone purchases bumped my debt back up to about 80% of my income. Again, I needed help but I didn't ask my mom this time.
I decided that I would stop spending money and focus on paying of this debt that kept rising because of the interest rates. At the time, I was still at my college job, moved into an apt, and still paying off my debt. Now I had to worry about credit card debt, rent, utilities and every month expenses. But did that stop me from spending? Nope. Somehow, I found the way to get money and spend it on things I didn't need. I bought furniture for my room in the apt, an XBOX 360, guitar hero for my PS2, a DS lite, DVDs, and of course more cell phones. I just had enough spending cash, after paying my bills, to buy food for lunch and dinner. I was fine or so I thought. Sure I was only paying the minimum on some bills but I was getting by. Then that pervervial rock bottom found its way into my life.
Then Nov 2006 right before the Thanksgiving holiday here in the States, I was served my last paycheck and told to clean out my office. There were issues at work where they, suits, couldn't trust me any more and some job title changes were going into effect. Right before Thanksgiving, I lost my job. Nothing could have been done. I had no money coming in, and the way I was spending cash, I had no savings. I applied for unemployment but was denied. I was looking for jobs, but at the time, no one was hiring especially during the holiday season and the new year. I spent 3 1/2 months without a job. There was no way I could pay off my debt now. In Feb, still looking for a job, my dad suggested that I file for bankruptcy. What else could I do? We both went to a bankruptcy lawyer and paid for his help. We filed in Feb and I finally found a job in March.
The new job doesn't pay as much as my old job but at least there was money to be made. I am still at the new job and today my hearing for the bankruptcy was put through. All those creditors who were calling me every day have stopped. I don't owe anyone any money. I recently sat my butt down and finally made a budget for my monthly expenses and my savings. I have 2 savings accounts now. I look back at all the times I have spent money, on things that I don't use anymore. How could I have been so foolish? But thanks to the support of my parents and family, I have finally learned that saving money is a good thing and spending money on useless things is a trap that I do not want to fall into again. I pledge to whoever reads this and to myself, that from today on, the money I spend will be for things that need to be spent on, and that I will save more than I spend. The real American dream is to live life without having to worry about debt. I hope I can do this without disappointing anyone else again.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
My Habit
I have a bad habit and I hope that one day I will kick this habit. What is it? It is an addiction to cell phones.
For me, I want the latest and greatest phones. New technology is the way to go. I have used all of the major carriers here in the U.S. and I have yet to settle down with one particular phone. Have you ever had that gnawing feeling where you have everything but it still isn't enough? That is how I am with cell phones. And this addiction has gotten me into some bad financial issues.
Like I said before, I need to have the latest and greatest technology. Before anyone else. Well I had to have the Motorola Razr when it was first introduced. When I say introduced, I dont mean in the US, but introduced overseas. I think I paid about $700 for an unlocked version of this phone. I had this phone for about a month or so, before I saw rumors that the Razr was coming to Cingular. Once a phone reaches stateside, it will be old tech. So onto new and better phones.
I started this obsession in the late 2001 and I havent stopped. Ive been a majority of all the headset makers, LG, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia, Palm, Rim, Samsung, Pantech, and HP. Yet nothing has really quenched my appitie so to speak. I recently purchased a Blackberry 8830 from Verizon. So far this phone has done what I wanted it to. But as the end of the month comes up the new iPhone will be released.
I have told myself of all the flaws with this phone, but the hype and the pros are starting to outweigh the cons. In only a matter of a few weeks the iPhone will be available for purchase. Now, I ask myself, should I switch to ATT and grab the phone that everyone else is waiting to get or stop with my current phone? I do not know. I guess, as the cliche goes, Only time will tell.

Like I said before, I need to have the latest and greatest technology. Before anyone else. Well I had to have the Motorola Razr when it was first introduced. When I say introduced, I dont mean in the US, but introduced overseas. I think I paid about $700 for an unlocked version of this phone. I had this phone for about a month or so, before I saw rumors that the Razr was coming to Cingular. Once a phone reaches stateside, it will be old tech. So onto new and better phones.
I started this obsession in the late 2001 and I havent stopped. Ive been a majority of all the headset makers, LG, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia, Palm, Rim, Samsung, Pantech, and HP. Yet nothing has really quenched my appitie so to speak. I recently purchased a Blackberry 8830 from Verizon. So far this phone has done what I wanted it to. But as the end of the month comes up the new iPhone will be released.

Monday, June 4, 2007
Another Monday
Its Monday again, which means, the weekend went by too quick and Friday can not come soon enough. The weekend was good. Friday, went to dinner at my sister's house and hung out for a bit. Played some Mario party 8 on the Wii. That was fun. Sat, I slept in till about 11am, thank goodness for a nice soft warm bed! Got ready and went to the swap meet to see Melissa. She just opened a new store there. Hung out there for a while, and had lunch with her and her husband and baby, well not baby, cause she is hella big now. Sat night, came home after church and got ready for my cousin's graduation party. Went along with my sister to the party and hung out for a while. We played poker, and I won $10 WOHOO!! Sunday, went to my nephew's track picnic. Stayed there from 11am to about 4pm. Play catch with my nephews, sat in the sun for most of the time. Now Im read in the face and on my arms! After that, we went to my niece's dance recital. That was cool. It was better than the winter dance recital because the summer's version is a lot more fast paced and with more variety. I got home last night about 9:30pm, got ready for bed and just vegged on my bed till I fell asleep. Next thing I knew, my alarm was going off! Man, we need a 3 day weekend or something like that. I can not stand these short, event filled weekends. I have to go to court this Thursday. I am kind of scared or nervous, but hopefully everything will go ok and I'll be set for a while. Other than that, not a lot is going on. Oh, my grandma is coming from the PI on Wed, so thats good. I haven't seen her for a while. Then Friday is payday!! and then the weekend. So wish me luck this week. Hopefully I will make it till Friday!! haha.
Have a good Monday and rest of the week.
Have a good Monday and rest of the week.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Happy June 1st!!
Well another week has come to a close. This week however, was a wonderful four day week, since Monday was memorial day. So yay for the holiday. It always seems that the week goes so very slow, especially on a four day week. Why is that? I would like to know, but not so much that I'd investigate what makes it so.
I called my doctor's office today since I have an appointment on Monday. I asked them if they accepted HMO since this is what the office offers. Unfortunately they only accept PPO's so I had to cancel the appointment. What a shame too because I really liked that doctor. And the nurses were hella hot!! damn!! So I am off to find another doctor. I might just go back to the doctor I had before since they accept HMO. Stupid HMOs!! blah.
Last night was the premiere of Pirate something or some crap like that. It is a survivor like show, where the contestants do pirate stuff and look for buried treasure. It look pretty good. Kind of cheesy but I wouldn't mind watching it again. They already voted or "cut off" one of the people. So, in this episode, the contestants are split up into two teams, a red and black team. Both teams received a map and a compass. Then they both paddled off to a near by island in search of their first treasure. The black team won and returned to the ship. The host told the black team the worth of the gold coins. It was based on size. The amounts were $100, $50, and $25. In total they received $40,000. The team was asked to nominate a Captain. They nominated the captain and he received half of the $40k. Then he nominated two co-captains or something like that. They split whatever was left. Any way, at the end, the Captain had to nominate 3 people to be voted off the ship. The twist here is the crew can vote off one of the three people, or they can gang up and vote the captain off. Sorry for not using the proper terms, they have escaped me at the moment. But the crew went ahead and voted off one of the guys, who was kind of cocky any way so I guess that was a good thing. So it was a good premiere IMO.
Also last night was the National spelling bee contest. Some 8th grader won. It was pretty amazing, especially how the try and decipher how the words are spelled from its origin, or the definition. So Congrats to that kid.
Well another week has come to a close. This week however, was a wonderful four day week, since Monday was memorial day. So yay for the holiday. It always seems that the week goes so very slow, especially on a four day week. Why is that? I would like to know, but not so much that I'd investigate what makes it so.
I called my doctor's office today since I have an appointment on Monday. I asked them if they accepted HMO since this is what the office offers. Unfortunately they only accept PPO's so I had to cancel the appointment. What a shame too because I really liked that doctor. And the nurses were hella hot!! damn!! So I am off to find another doctor. I might just go back to the doctor I had before since they accept HMO. Stupid HMOs!! blah.
Last night was the premiere of Pirate something or some crap like that. It is a survivor like show, where the contestants do pirate stuff and look for buried treasure. It look pretty good. Kind of cheesy but I wouldn't mind watching it again. They already voted or "cut off" one of the people. So, in this episode, the contestants are split up into two teams, a red and black team. Both teams received a map and a compass. Then they both paddled off to a near by island in search of their first treasure. The black team won and returned to the ship. The host told the black team the worth of the gold coins. It was based on size. The amounts were $100, $50, and $25. In total they received $40,000. The team was asked to nominate a Captain. They nominated the captain and he received half of the $40k. Then he nominated two co-captains or something like that. They split whatever was left. Any way, at the end, the Captain had to nominate 3 people to be voted off the ship. The twist here is the crew can vote off one of the three people, or they can gang up and vote the captain off. Sorry for not using the proper terms, they have escaped me at the moment. But the crew went ahead and voted off one of the guys, who was kind of cocky any way so I guess that was a good thing. So it was a good premiere IMO.
Also last night was the National spelling bee contest. Some 8th grader won. It was pretty amazing, especially how the try and decipher how the words are spelled from its origin, or the definition. So Congrats to that kid.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Spell this and Wow...
Today is May 31st. Holy Crap-oly! Summer is here. Can you believe that? I cant. It was just yesterday that I remember not doing anything on New Years, but enjoying my time with the family. Got another job in March and Now it is June. Time flies or drags when you are working. No plans for the summer for me, just hang out and work. Sept my cousin is getting married so all of my family are coming down from the east coast and staying with us. Its going to be hectic but fun. So let the good times roll.
I guess yesterday was the start of the National Spelling Bee Championships. And tonight is the end or the finals. I may have to go and watch it. I for one was not a good speller in grade school. I remember the last month or so before summer, our whole class would stand up, and form a circle around the room. The teacher would start with whoever was to her left and ask us to spell a word. If you got it right you remained standing. If you go it wrong you sat down. The prize for winning was candy or something like that. It was fun yet nerve wracking at the same time. In our spelling books, there were three sections with words that varied difficulty. So you never knew which word you would be getting. I think I lasted a few rounds. I never did get the candy though. It was times like those that helped break up the routine of going to school. It actually made school fun. The good old days of grade school. Where your only worries were studying for spelling tests, learning your math, and reading several books during the summer. Those were the good times.
I guess yesterday was the start of the National Spelling Bee Championships. And tonight is the end or the finals. I may have to go and watch it. I for one was not a good speller in grade school. I remember the last month or so before summer, our whole class would stand up, and form a circle around the room. The teacher would start with whoever was to her left and ask us to spell a word. If you got it right you remained standing. If you go it wrong you sat down. The prize for winning was candy or something like that. It was fun yet nerve wracking at the same time. In our spelling books, there were three sections with words that varied difficulty. So you never knew which word you would be getting. I think I lasted a few rounds. I never did get the candy though. It was times like those that helped break up the routine of going to school. It actually made school fun. The good old days of grade school. Where your only worries were studying for spelling tests, learning your math, and reading several books during the summer. Those were the good times.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
first blog on new phone
This is coming from my new blackberry. I will write nore soon. I just wanted to say today was a bust. New announcements from palm, a flop. From microsoft, cool but not for consumers. From apple, a bigger apple tv and 3rd party apps. Not too exciting. The curve comes out tomorrow! Ill just watch everyone grab it. For me I like this world edition blackberry. Ok off to the showers. One love!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Gamers near and far Unite
Here is a story from about a video gamer and a hero. Who says that Video Gamers are violent!
"24-year old Adam Mapleson is an IT consultant, a fan of heavy metal music, an avid video gamer, and a hero. At a rail station just yesterday, Adam came to the aid of a terrified female security guard being robbed by two armed thugs. As he went to tackle the assailants, he was shot in the chest, close-range. According to a witness, blood was "all over the floor and all over the wall" as Adam lay on the ground calling for help.
The robbers managed to escape, but Adam's heroism ensured no one else was injured, including the intended victim. Adam is still in the hospital listed as "serious but stable". Here's to a speedy recovery for an all-around hero and fellow gamer."
Get Well Soon Man!! and GOOD JOB!!!
Here is a story from about a video gamer and a hero. Who says that Video Gamers are violent!
"24-year old Adam Mapleson is an IT consultant, a fan of heavy metal music, an avid video gamer, and a hero. At a rail station just yesterday, Adam came to the aid of a terrified female security guard being robbed by two armed thugs. As he went to tackle the assailants, he was shot in the chest, close-range. According to a witness, blood was "all over the floor and all over the wall" as Adam lay on the ground calling for help.
The robbers managed to escape, but Adam's heroism ensured no one else was injured, including the intended victim. Adam is still in the hospital listed as "serious but stable". Here's to a speedy recovery for an all-around hero and fellow gamer."
Get Well Soon Man!! and GOOD JOB!!!
Technology Part 2
This is the second part of my journey into technology. Have a seat, sit back and roll with me.
"After college, it was more about what to do with my life, finding a job and getting out of debt." The first month of being fresh out of college was a satisfying time in my life. I just finished a 4 year college that started in 1996, moved all my stuff back home and enjoyed the time I had during the days to do nothing. That lasted for about a good 2 weeks or so until my mom came down on me to look for a job. It felt like that scene in FRIDAY, where Craig's dad told him, "The word of the day is JOB. J.O.B" For those of you who didn't watch FRIDAY, Craig, ICE CUBE, got fired on his day off for stealing boxes. His dad found out and wanted him to get another job. So anyway, mom tells me to go and look for a job. So I look and look. No Experience no Job. No Job no Experience. Those looking for a job knows that conundrum all too well. So, I am not sure where I saw this ad, but I went and attended a group interview in the valley. I got the job and came home excited. At dinner I told my mom, I got a job or at least a job offer. She asked me what I was going to be doing. I told her, I'll be selling knives!! haha Yup, I got an interview with this small husky ex-body builder with a neck the size of Chun Li's thighs selling knives. The thought of just getting a job exited me but I turned the job down. I guess it wasn't for me. So there I sat for the last weeks of May looking for jobs. Then, a college friend asked me to lunch in June. Her and I were in most of the same business classes and she was working as the purchasing person at LMU. We had lunch and she said that she needed help and asked me if I wanted to help. The clouds from above parted and the light at the end of the tunnel shone through. This was the job opportunity I had hoped for. Once this job started, it opened a whole new scene for me. Technology mixed with Gadgets.
It wasn't until my friend from college, who helped me get this job, left for home in Denver that gadgets started to consume my life. Since I took over, I needed some help also. So I asked Marc to come and help me out. The mixture of his knowledge and my gadget fever turned into a great devotion for all things electronic. I think Marc and I worked at LMU together for about a year or so before A/R said they were doing away with contractors. The time him and I worked, we saw lots of cool gadgets come through our way. With money coming in, we both got the Handspring Visor from Best Buy. That was one of the first PDA's that came out. In the office, we also saw, an HP Windows PDA, another first. We saw all kinds of Digital cameras, Dell's first PDA, tablet pcs, speakers, laptops and desktops. We were in heaven. We could see and get mostly anything that was on the web. It was fun living vicariously through other peoples' indulgences. As Marc moved on to bigger and better things, I was stuck in my job, but was loving every minute of it. Again there were some firsts. Saw the first iMac that looked like a lamp shade, the mac mini, gateway's tablet pc, projectors, more cameras, PDAs and mp3 players. I got / saw some ipods ipod minis dell jukeboxes and other mp3 players. It was also at this time that I started my cell phone collection and the "trying out" of various cell phone carriers. During the LMU period, I tried all the phone carriers, Sprint, Nextel, Verizon, ATT&T, Cingular, and Helio. Got all the new phones that came out, The sidekick all 4 editions of the model, Treos, camera phones, smart phones and blackberries. It was with this addiction that things got out of control. What made it out of control was the fact that I had no loans to pay off at the time and my net worth was greater than my debt. But soon, my debt would be greater then my net worth.
If I could go back in time and not "spend" as much, I would have. But since I don't have a machine that can do that, I will just look at my cell phone collection and smile. Take a look around my room and there are gadgets everywhere. Some I still have to hook up. Some that are old but still work. If I had the time and money, I would build a room dedicated to all the electronics, cell phones and gadgets that have come into my possession throughout the years. Those were the times where I came to the conclusion that I was part of the technology craze!
"After college, it was more about what to do with my life, finding a job and getting out of debt." The first month of being fresh out of college was a satisfying time in my life. I just finished a 4 year college that started in 1996, moved all my stuff back home and enjoyed the time I had during the days to do nothing. That lasted for about a good 2 weeks or so until my mom came down on me to look for a job. It felt like that scene in FRIDAY, where Craig's dad told him, "The word of the day is JOB. J.O.B" For those of you who didn't watch FRIDAY, Craig, ICE CUBE, got fired on his day off for stealing boxes. His dad found out and wanted him to get another job. So anyway, mom tells me to go and look for a job. So I look and look. No Experience no Job. No Job no Experience. Those looking for a job knows that conundrum all too well. So, I am not sure where I saw this ad, but I went and attended a group interview in the valley. I got the job and came home excited. At dinner I told my mom, I got a job or at least a job offer. She asked me what I was going to be doing. I told her, I'll be selling knives!! haha Yup, I got an interview with this small husky ex-body builder with a neck the size of Chun Li's thighs selling knives. The thought of just getting a job exited me but I turned the job down. I guess it wasn't for me. So there I sat for the last weeks of May looking for jobs. Then, a college friend asked me to lunch in June. Her and I were in most of the same business classes and she was working as the purchasing person at LMU. We had lunch and she said that she needed help and asked me if I wanted to help. The clouds from above parted and the light at the end of the tunnel shone through. This was the job opportunity I had hoped for. Once this job started, it opened a whole new scene for me. Technology mixed with Gadgets.
It wasn't until my friend from college, who helped me get this job, left for home in Denver that gadgets started to consume my life. Since I took over, I needed some help also. So I asked Marc to come and help me out. The mixture of his knowledge and my gadget fever turned into a great devotion for all things electronic. I think Marc and I worked at LMU together for about a year or so before A/R said they were doing away with contractors. The time him and I worked, we saw lots of cool gadgets come through our way. With money coming in, we both got the Handspring Visor from Best Buy. That was one of the first PDA's that came out. In the office, we also saw, an HP Windows PDA, another first. We saw all kinds of Digital cameras, Dell's first PDA, tablet pcs, speakers, laptops and desktops. We were in heaven. We could see and get mostly anything that was on the web. It was fun living vicariously through other peoples' indulgences. As Marc moved on to bigger and better things, I was stuck in my job, but was loving every minute of it. Again there were some firsts. Saw the first iMac that looked like a lamp shade, the mac mini, gateway's tablet pc, projectors, more cameras, PDAs and mp3 players. I got / saw some ipods ipod minis dell jukeboxes and other mp3 players. It was also at this time that I started my cell phone collection and the "trying out" of various cell phone carriers. During the LMU period, I tried all the phone carriers, Sprint, Nextel, Verizon, ATT&T, Cingular, and Helio. Got all the new phones that came out, The sidekick all 4 editions of the model, Treos, camera phones, smart phones and blackberries. It was with this addiction that things got out of control. What made it out of control was the fact that I had no loans to pay off at the time and my net worth was greater than my debt. But soon, my debt would be greater then my net worth.
If I could go back in time and not "spend" as much, I would have. But since I don't have a machine that can do that, I will just look at my cell phone collection and smile. Take a look around my room and there are gadgets everywhere. Some I still have to hook up. Some that are old but still work. If I had the time and money, I would build a room dedicated to all the electronics, cell phones and gadgets that have come into my possession throughout the years. Those were the times where I came to the conclusion that I was part of the technology craze!
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